2-2. Dawn of an Emerald Beauty

Start from the beginning

"That thing threw a blade at your head!" the red dino quickly assumed, pointing a spike towards Edward's face

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"That thing threw a blade at your head!" the red dino quickly assumed, pointing a spike towards Edward's face.
"That thing threw a blade near my head." the blue dino casually corrected (this time with a somewhat wider smile), pushing James' arm to the side.
With a growl, James tries to deal with the stranger on his own. He soon finds the monster lurking around Knapford; naturally, he goes into pursuit, now getting a better picture of what it looked like than Edward did. The stranger casted a shine at virtually every angle, it was quite beautiful indeed. Simply green? No, emerald was more appropriate.
The dinosaur glanced behind, revealing its feminine-face and shortly hissed at James before trying to run off. Her roar sounded akin to that a banshee, and her instinct was to fire the spines from her tail almost lighting-fast. Alerted (and perhaps frightened) by the roar, the townspeople were exposed to the utter destruction laying upon Knapford once again. James only grew more furious, he pounces at the the emerald beast, who tries to claw at him and yank him off with the tail. She hisses one more time, and her crystalline back-spines start to glow brightly. The monster inhales and spews a stream full of green toxicity; James fires back in response (of course, no pun intended), with the clashing streams resulting in raining embers eating off most of the architecture and forcing a majority of the humans to try and keep away from the burning chaos.

Meanwhile at Brendam, Sir Topham Hatt could only feel even more tired despite the dock manager trying to snap that out of him. Edward, with some concern, took a glance at the fiery light show at Knapford from afar. He finally stood up to try and deal with the mess over there.
"Edward? Where are you going..?"
No response.

The chaotic flare around Knapford was seemingly endless, until a blue blast soon shot in the dead-center and neutralized most of the raining flames and acid. Edward stepped-in albeit irritated, yet the emerald monster only shot more of her spines at him and James. The red and blue dinosaurs go after her anyway, with little pauses in-between.
James notices what is nearby is that same cliff Percy made him fall off of, and the emerald dino might be trying to lure the two into that. As he halts to a stop, Edward doesn't look down, so he slides and falls onto the side of the cliff, on his back, trying to grip near the grassy edge with one paw. How strange it was for him not to be aware of that.
Sir Topham Hatt and the dock manager kept a safe distance from the conflict between the three monsters, staying inside Hatt's car and parked at an area where they can watch an almost full-fledged view of the scene.
"You got a catchy name for that one, sir?" asked the manager, directing his attention towards the emerald monster.
"I suppose, Emerald?" Hatt suggested.
The manager only laughed. "Well then, I guess Esmeralda would be a good nickname."
The two chuckled a bit, before focusing on the real issue.
Edward slid further down the side of the cliff, while James still wrestled about with the emerald monster. She was becoming tired of being constantly called "the emerald *whatever-term*", so she just outright roared, "My name is Emily..!"
Edward only felt annoyed, and his arm was starting to grow exhausted. If only he could turn his body around to climb back up, yet this was hindered as his spines already dug through the surface behind himself. He then felt a slightly tight pull around his wrist; glancing up, it was Emily herself.

This naturally puzzles James, for he frankly would've tried to knock her off the cliff and then save Edward, but that now changed due to her expressing some mercy

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This naturally puzzles James, for he frankly would've tried to knock her off the cliff and then save Edward, but that now changed due to her expressing some mercy. Emily shortly wheeshes steam towards James, leaving Edward sort-of amused.
"I can't wheesh like that." he chuckled.
Edward briefly looked at her as if she was someone familiar, yet kept sense of  slight confusion; What did he ever do for her to be spared like that? Emily simply responds with a gesture indicating that she didn't want him to fall in the water and perhaps drown to death, and even if he could swim, hurrying back on land would've likely been a waste of energy. Visioning that gave Edward a slight giggle, considering he's practically been accustomed to the water for most of his lifetime.
He realized it was nearly morning, and forgot to hunt for food in order to keep Thomas and Percy satisfied for the night.
"Thomas and Percy?" Emily wondered.
"Yes." Edward informed, and he continued to explain the whole situation in short.
Emily was concerned, but in optimistic light, there was probably someone who already looked after those two; Edward only hoped that was the case... He then had to get James to tone down and settle out of his anger, before the three monsters would eventually head off to Tidmouth Sheds.
With Hatt nearly on the verge of sleeping, the dock manager proceeded to drive him back home (which was near the outskirts of Wellsworth) as soon as possible. The manager fortunately found a map of Sodor with roadway-labels and several directions marked on it.
"Sir, I never knew you would be this convenient." he said with some luck.

The dinosaurs at Tidmouth were still quite sleepy during the next morning. Edward came back with rather pleasant surprise on his face; he noticed some chewed-off pieces of meat & leaves right next to Thomas and Percy's sheds. He just wondered, who fed them while he was gone?
"Gordon fed them." told a workman.
"Gordon..?" Edward asked, simply astonished.
"I assume that he might've gotten full and sleepy last night, so he saved the rest of his meal for the kids."
The older dinosaur sighed with relief, as he wasn't alone when it came to caring for his mentees. The kids finally woke up and looked at up at this lean, green dino nearby. Their first reaction was to do a little fight with her; Emily found this a bit "precious", and simply played along. Edward just went with the game as well, because "why not?".
Looking at the vivid sunrise in the distance seemed like a signal of hope for overall both monsters and humans, and it mostly left some smiles. Perhaps there is something very pleasing going for the future among the island.

Knapford meanwhile still has an expensive burnt-up mess left to fix...

To be continued...

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