Rae Sremmurd

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"You should you...you come on", she sluggishly said through the phone.

"What the hell are you doing? How are you planning on getting home Nini?", I yelled.

"I can dryve", she laughs.

I yelled almost throwing my phone onto the ground. I swear it's like every-time she hangs out with Tré I'm the one who has to be responsible in their relationship.

"You can barely even fucking talk how do you expect to drive?", I say.

She laughs almost immediately I hear sipping sounds like water being drunk down. I squeal loudly. Was she even listening?!

"Shit where is Tré! Where are you?!"

It's quiet for a moment, well not technically quiet theirs loud music playing in the background as well as screaming I take the phone away from my ear.

As soon as I do she hangs up."Dammit!"

I close the mall door and lock it. Shit, I knew I shouldn't have let her move up here with me. She's getting into way to much trouble.

I recently three months ago moved up to Atlanta. The place is full of celebrity's and also people I didn't know. So when my best friend Nini asked to move up here with me I didn't think twice about denying her.

I should have. She's just trouble. One day she's really gonna get hurt and I don't think I'm going to be there to save her ass out of whatever shit she gets in.

I walk the side of the sidewalk as cars frequently pass me by. Tonight's very busy I wonder what's up? My phone buzzes notifying me of a notification. It's from Instagram. It's a post from Nini. I open it quickly.

It a picture of Nini and Tré. It has a picture of them kissing. I slightly feel like throwing up. It's like watching an over aged old couple kissing but when they do it it's just plain gross.

When I look at the post more clearly it has a caption and location. It says something about Ray Seremmdug? What the hell is she talking about?

I look at the location and see that's its on 48 st on windmill.
Gotcha! "She's at Rae Sremmurd concert".

I start walking knowing exactly where that was. Luckily it wasn't that far of a walk through. I reached it only 3 minutes after Nini post was now 4 minutes ago.

As soon as I'm at the door the song This could be us starts playing. The security guard stands at the door glancing at me. I roll my eyes and call Nini.

It rings multiple times before she answers.

"Hey are you still at the concert?", I asked.

"......yeah", she answers slowly.

"Come outside I'm taking you home", I say.

Their a long pause nothing but the music plays. I sigh hoping for a quick response but instead theirs a beeping sound.

"Fuck!", I screamed.

I look over at the security guard but he watches around for any intruders. He's not going to let me in even if I do ask politely. I growl.

I grab a hairpin from my head and walk to the back of the building. I look around making sure there was no other security guard and for my lucky there was.

"Great", I rolled my eyes.

At that moment a homeless man walks by pushing a cart. I hum in thought. Immediately I think of something.

"Hey!",I called the guy over.

"Y-yes", he asks.

I point to the guard,"if you can get that guy over there away from that door I'll give you ten dollars".

He looks at me and smiles,"20" he says.

"Twenty?, I questioned.

He nods,"You're out of your mind", I say.

"Then I'm not doing it", he says.

"Look you're the one who needs money?", I whispered.

He looks at me and smirks,"bye", he says.

"Hey!", I yelled I look at the guard and go back to a whisper,"fine but after you get him away".

He smiles,"deal".

He walks over casually. I hide behind the wall waiting. Out of nowhere the homeless guy pulls down his pants and yells at the guy. The guard looks at him and growls. When he didn't move he goes up to the guy and hits him so hard that it was heard in Canada.

I hold my laugh until the guard takes off running after the man. When both of them are gone I rush to the cart placing the 20 dollars in and going to unlock the door using the hairpin. With the pin alone it wasn't going to unlock. I sigh heavily.

"Damn!", I yelled.

As I was looking around for something else to use on the door loud talking from the other side was heard. I rush back near the door. Without thinking I knock on the door. The talking stops. I lean up close to the door listening to the talking but it's weirdly quiet.

I mean the music. It stopped. Is the concert over? Just as I was about to back up from the door it swings open.

Everything happened so quickly that honestly, I don't clearly know what happened after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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Rae Sremmurd {Swae Lee x Reader} #SremmLifeWhere stories live. Discover now