Akira: The traitor

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Akira’s POV

It had been seven days since I had defied Pein, and 4 days since I had doubts about my decision. Wouldn’t it be easier to help them? It had to be better than rotting in a cell. Why do I even are about Naruto? I should be worrying about myself. No that’s wrong…I care about Naruto, I don’t want him to be hurt because I was bait. For the past three days I’ve had similar thoughts, I had also noticed that I had begun to speak out loud to myself having arguments much like a certain plant-man named Zetsu. Which reminds me, he must have already skulked off to tell Pein about my recent psychological break.

The door opened suddenly and Itachi stood stoically at the door. I glanced at him before starring back at my feet. Over the course of these seven days Pein ordered the group to get as much information out of me as possible. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t but it was beginning to work more frequently…

“Follow me.” He said and I fell into step with him, eyes fixed on my shoes. I had finally learned not to speak unless giving information or acknowledging a higher rank. It had taken the Akatsuki only a week to teach me what people had been trying to teach me for 13 years.  I was beginning to understand, being a tortured prisoner sucks.

We arrived at the meeting room and as usual everyone was around the table in their assigned seating. Pein was sitting in his at the head of the table Konan sitting beside him muttering something to him to which he would nod to before he looked at me.

“So Akira, I’ve heard that you would be more cooperative today? Seems you were having trouble with your decision. I’ll ask again, work with us and bring about world peace or be tortured, used for bait before finally being killed. What do you decide?”

I knew my choices, stay with them as an ally or stay with them and be used like the enemy I was.

“I’ll help you.” I said finally raising my eyes to meet Pein’s.

“Good. You’ll be moved to your own room within a few days. Until then you’ll be under surveillance as you have been for the past week, you’ll be staying in that cell but with a few furnishings. A cot will be given to you this time so you won’t have to sleep on the floor.”

“Thank you.” I said bowing.

“Thank you…” He prompted.

“Thank you, leader.” I resigned.

He nodded and Konan stood to lead me back to my cell. On the way back Konan filled me in on what was expected of me. It was basic rules and who would train me until I was ready to go on missions. I was not to speak to Tobi as apparently he’d give me bad ideas.

We reached the room and a cot was brought in soon after. That’s when I decided it was time to do a little experiment, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. Besides I would never abandon Naruto just because I had a small mental lapse, he was the only thing that I didn’t want to blame for this. I blamed myself for being reckless as usual and expecting the kidnappers to adopt me, I blamed Kakashi for not killing Itachi and Kisame, I blamed the leaf village for making me a ninja, I blamed my family for being completely messed up but I never blamed Naruto even though, now that I’ve gotten some fresh air, he technically is to blame if it was beyond his control.

I started my first experiment by completely tearing the cot apart. After that, well I had some fun.

Jaraiya’s POV

 It had been days since Akira was taken and I realized that I would have to write a very miserable letter to a certain teacher and father. If that wasn’t enough already I had Naruto’s training and him constantly chattering about Akira every spare second.

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