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Chelsea's p.o.v.

My name is Chelsea May Turner. I am 18 years old. I've been stuck in this cold, dark, and dirty basement for God only knows how long. I've been kidnapped by someone I hardly know. The whole nation knows I'm missing. Wait. Scratch that. The whole world knows I'm missing. Uh oh. My kidnappers are coming.

"Me and my buddies are going out. We'll be back in a couple hours. Don't even think about trying to escape 'cause if you try escaping, Death will be knocking at your door." he said with a sneer.

All I could do was nod obediently so he didn't know that I do indeed plan on escaping. He turned and left with his buddies. As soon as I heard the door shut and I heard the vehicle drive away, I knew I had to act quickly. I looked around for some way to get out of my hands and ankles being tied. My eyes fell on a tool chest. I scooched over to the nearest wall and pushed myself up onto my feet. I ran, well, hopped, over to the tool chest. I turned around and used my hands to open the first drawer. Nothing. Second drawer. Nothing. Third drawer. Wow. There's a lot of stuff in this particular drawer. I attempt to dig through the drawer with my nose, careful not to cut myself on any sharp tools. Then, I saw it. The tool that could mean the difference between life and death. A pocket knife. I prayed to God that it would be strong enough to cut through my prison.

*5 minutes later*

Yes! I'm free! Now I have to figure out how to get out of the basement. I look around for a window that's big enough to fit my body through. Ah! A window! I run to it and try to open it. No luck. Now I have to find something big and hard enough to break glass. I run back to the tool chest to look for a hammer. I find one in the very bottom drawer. I pick it up with my very unstable arms (they felt like jello) and threw it with as much force as possible at the window, my shoulder popping out in the process. The window breaks, sending glass flying everywhere. I cover my face and head until everything settles. Once the glass was done flying, I grab a couple things that would help me with climbing to the window. I grab what belongings I had in there with me and I climb up and out  effortlessly. There was still a couple pieces of glass sticking out and I got cuts on my legs and a few on my arms, but I felt fine. I got up and I realized something. I'm in the outside world! I'm out of that stupid basement. I'm officially free! I laugh in delight and start running far away from the house where I was held captive. 

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