Chapter 5

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Kaiana Pratt
July 4th, 2001
Fireworks show in the hills

Ever since August revealed to me what his illnesses are, we've been absolutely inseparable. I've learned so much about him, as well as myself in the time that we've spent together and it's amazing. If I thought I was in love with him a month ago, you could definitely put money on me being head over hills now.

I guess August also fills in the Empty void of Ciara not being around as much anymore. Nicki has either brainwashed her into not hanging with me or she just genuinely doesn't want to be my friend anymore. either way, it was saddening.

No texts, no calls, no sign of Ciara.. at all. I guess she comes and gets her clothes when she knows I'm out or when I'm sleeping. it just has me feeling kinda blah, because really, what did I do to her?

"Baybeh? You okay, love?" I was laying on August's chest. He must've been staring, like always. He's made it a habit to stare at me, when I'm not paying attention, sleeping, eating, whatever. He just looks. Probably trying to take me all while he can. One thing that I forgot about eyes is that once one is blind.. the other one starts to go blind with it. so it was just a matter of time before August was completely blind and I won't be able so see that beautiful stare again.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine babe. Are you okay?" I say while looking up at his beautiful face, that I could finally see fully. He stopped wearing his shades so much around me, but kept them on around other people.

"Marvelous boo. i'm here with you. oh shit, wait a minute! Bars!" He busted out laughing at his own silliness, making me join him.

"you're so lame Augusta" i shake my head a little and looked up at the sky. It was almost dark out. a light pink and purplish color decorating it beautifully, playing along with the clouds. it's days like this when i think about my father. he loved to admire the sky after a long day of work. He always told me that the evening sky is God's gift to us after a long day, to tells us how proud He is for making it through.

"No seriously, Kai. You seem out of it, tell papa Aug what's wrong." I looked up at him slightly before busting out laughing.

"Papa Aug? you wanna be 65 so bad" i continued to laugh.

"But um, i'm just thinking about my father.. and Ciara. that's why i'm a little out of it, that's all."

"first of all. Ciara ain't shit, i can tell you that right now. anybody that can stop fuckin' wit you because they get a new boo is trash, so don't worry about ha'. if she was really ever ya friend, nothing could come between you guys' friendship. i say fuck her" he said with a little shoulder shrug. he was right. Ciara wasn't shit for treating me the way the she was.

"And you know you can talk to me about your father whenever you'd like. you don't have to hold that type of stuff in, mama." he held on to me a bit tighter after he said that, making me smile.

"That's why i lo-"

A firecracker went off, cutting my sentence off. It was a beautiful start to a beautiful night..

Or so i thought.


sorry for the wait, but this is just a filler.

also, sorry for what's about to happen.

love you guys.

- The Author

sn: for those who are questioning how fast Kai and August fell for each other, this is a story based on love at first sight. if that bothers you then please, by all means, exit my book and delete it from your libraries. thank you.

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