Chapter 1 - No More Love & Hip Hop

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It had been 3 weeks since Love and Hip Hop New York Season 4 had aired and Cyn had watched it back for herself. Seeing the episode with Rich kissing Erica had really melted her heart, she was still disappointed in Erica and definitely felt it was best for them to take a break from each other. She had called off time with Erica to give Erica the chance to find out exactly what she really wanted and to grow as a person. Cyn was ignoring all texts and calls from Erica to teach her the lesson that she might not always be around if Erica continues with her bullshit.

The time apart was placing an emotional and mental strain on Erica, she couldn't stand being apart from the woman she adored so much. All she could focus on was getting the money and putting her time and attention into something that was worthwhile. Every day she would call or text Cyn just to show Cyn that she was still trying and still prepared to change but Cyn was having none of it. The time apart made Erica realise how foolish she was in investing so much time in Rich Dollaz, she realised that she didn't really love him but loved what he could do for her which is was blinded her into begging him for a relationship that was never going to work. The thought of Rich made Erica physically sick, she knew she was finally over him and she wanted to be with Cyn. The process of getting her back was going to be the hard part but Erica was prepared to put in the work to ensure she got her baby back. 

Another week had passed and it was now Albee's birthday. He was holding a party at the new spot in New York 'Lavish' and had invited both Cyn and Erica without realising, it was only fair as he was friends with both of them. At first, Erica was not impressed but then she realised that  this might be an opportunity for her to see Cyn and she began to smile inside. 

Erica: "Do you think Cyn is actually gonna come?"'

Albee: "I'm not gonna lie to you because I don't know, I hope she does just so you two can sort this bullshit out" He said with a huge grin on his face. "I know once you see each other, it will be a different story between you two!"

Erica: "Yeah, I hope! Anyways let me go and get ready, I will catch you in a bit, bring the Patron i'm ready! We finna turn up baby!!!!" 

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