Chapter 12

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Arielle's P.O.V

I braided my hair into a fishtail braid and put it to the side. Next was clothes, quickly I slipped on some tan shorts, a white tanktop and a red and white varsity sweater type thing. Bella ran in a few seconds later , her hair also in a braid with her own varsity jacket on and red nikes. I smiled and kissed her cheek, walking out of our room.

Management called and told me and Zayn to go on a date or something like that. Make it appear like were so happy together. We agreed and now we are leaving for a the small carnival near the beach. It was a really sunny day and but still there was a small breeze present.

" ready Bells?"

" yes! I want to ride pony" She yelled out. I nodded my head at her and watched as Zayn picked her up, slinging her body onto his hip. He was wearing tan chinos, white shirt and a varsity jacket. We looked all matchy and cute. Anna walked in a few minutes later also dressed.

" aww you guys look so cute!"

" thanks, Auntie" Bella smiled at Anna and shuffled around in Zayn's arms getting antsy.

" so where are you going?"

" Me and Logan are getting some coffee" I quirked an eyebrow at her answer and she smiled grabbing a black bag. A meeting with Logan Lerman? I wonder how Harry felt about this whole thing. But I didn't even wanna ask.


We walked down the boardwalk and saw the large ferris wheel peering from above. Bella screamed and started running with Zayn close behind her. I quickened my pace and followed not wanting to get lost. We were hoping that no paparazzi would show up and ruin this for Bella.

" Pony! " Bella jumped onto the brown and white horse, as Zayn fastened the seatbelt thing on her. I went to her right and sat down on the all black horse.

" do you want me to fasten you up to love?"

" I'm perfectly fine Zaynee" I replied back winking at him. He chuckled and sat down on Bella's left , on top of an all white horse. Soon the carousel started moving and Bella was laughing and grinning wide.

I took out my phone and snapped a few pictures of her. She looked so cute and care free. Her blue eyes were shining with enthusiasm. 

" I want ice cream now"

I sighed and took Zayn's hand as he helped me down the horse and than taking Bella off. She took his hand and I took her other one. We walked around the carousel looking around and laughing at some people who were being dunked.

" you know this reminds me of last year" He said, looking over at me. I nodded my head smiling and glancing at the box with the guy. His friend threw the ball and it hit the target sending the person into the water. I giggled at his facial expressions and continued walking. We soon got to the small ice cream parlor and went up to the counter.

There was 3 full rows of ice cream ranging from every flavor possible. I looked around before settling for 2 of my favorite tastes.

" vanilla caramel, and raspberry serbet" Zayn answered for me. I widened my eyes, not knowing he knew what my favorite ice cream was. He turned to me and smirked.

" i want cherry, chocolate, and strawberry" Bella pointed to all three flavors she wanted and the woman nodded. Zayn ordered his usual Mint Chocolate Chip. He always got it and never really switched it up.

Anna's P.O.V

The door shut behind Arielle and Zayn before another one opened. Harry walked out in some jeans and a plain white button up shirt. His sleeves rolled up , his sunglasses slung on the shirt. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

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