3. Merry Christmas

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad we met them."

"Yeah, me too. The kids found not only one but two amazing brothers."

"I know, they're great. Alec and Magnus are great parents."

"Like us, Mrs. Grey?" Christian asked grinning.

"Like you, Mr. Grey. The parent who ran to get a big Christmas tree and a bunch of presents." Ana smiled.

"Or the mom who decorated this apartment." He said, leaning down to give her a quick kiss.

"It's going to be a different Christmas, but at least we're not alone."

"I keep finding happy couples. Why? Why? Why?" Jace shouted.

"Maybe you should be with your girl."

"Tell her that. My lovely wifey is a little bit excited with the kitchen."

Ana just laughed.

"Everyone, stop doing whatever you are doing, come here. It's time for dinner." Ana ordered and clapped.

"Yeah! Dinner! I want turkey!" Max screamed and began to run to the table."

Phoebe ran after him and giggled.

Everyone took sit and then Christian cut the turkey. Everyone took a piece and, he opened the Bollinger bottle as all of them were applauding.

"I would like to make a toast for..." Christian began. "Sweetheart, wait, we're still in the toast, after that you can eat."

Everyone laughed.

"I'm sorry, dad, it smells so good." Phoebe said.

"As I was saying, I'm grateful because all of us are here, and we have health, love and family. Also, I'd like to thank you this wonderful people for helping my daughter and for being a lovely company this evening."

Adults raised his champagne glass and kids raised glasses of juice.

"Now, darling." Ana said and the girl didn't need to be told twice, she bit her turkey piece.

"It's delicious, mom."

"Well, you should thank Magnus for that."

"Thanks, Magnus. You really know how to cook."

If only she knew he got all the food, (except the desert) from a store.

"You're welcome, Pheebs."

"I also call her like that, it reminds me Phoebe of Friends." Ana said.

"I thought you called her that way because of her. I really loved that series."

"I'm re-watching it."

"I'm gonna watch it with Alec."

"Watch what?" Alec asked.

"You'll see when we get home."

"Oh, guys, that sounded weird. I mean, we are with kids. Control yourselves." Izzy said, smirking.

"You are the only one who thought that." Simon said.

"I also thought that." Ana said raising her hand.

"Guilty." Jace said.

"I'm surrounded by perverts." Christian said and Ana laughed out loud.

Christian was hiding a smile, but his eyes were shinning while he was watching his wife.

"Anyway, we were talking about series. I'm also watching this series Reign, it's amazing."

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