Chapter 1

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So this is chapter one! Hope you enjoy it, if you read it. Louis is now 17 and about to turn 18 and Harry is 17 as well. Vote and comment! Let me know what you think, please.

Chris xoxo

Louis POV

I woke up from my little nap, to find myself still in the car. It had been about an hour since we left Yorkshire, and we still hadn't arrived to Cheshire. I was so nervous, it had been six years since the last time I was here, and when we left I thought we were leaving for good.

We came back for the same reason we left. Mark had been promoted. This time, of course, it was in Cheshire. And it was permanent. Not that I was complaining, I loved Cheshire. I never wanted to move in the first place. It's had been so long, and I didn't know if everything was exactly the same as it was when I left. Hell, I didn't even know if Harry was the same. I hadn't heard from him in 3 years, now.

Harry and I were best mates when I left, and we made a promise. We promised that we would never stop talking to each other, and that we would always be best mates. At first we both kept our promises, we would e-mail each other everyday, we would call each other every night, and catch up about our days. We even found out what skype was and we would video chat every friday, and sometimes, even watch a movie at the same time. And that routine went by for the first year.

The second year was... different. We wouldn't call or video chat each other that often anymore. We would still e-mail each other almost everyday, though. I could feel how we grew apart more and more and I didn't know why. What I did know was that I was starting to feel something weird for Harry, something I couldn't really understand and I missed him too.

By the half of that year, I realized that I didn't feel any attraction for girls. I didn't like them, well I did, just not in that way. I thought that it was weird at first, but when I realized that when I saw a cute guy, my body would...react, I had my answer, actually two answers. I, Louis Tomlinson, was, without a doubt, GAY, and had a big crush on Harry Styles.

I was gonna tell Harry, I swear I was, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It was so frustrating, because I wanted to tell him so badly. I, at least, wanted him to know that I was gay, but I didn't know how he would react. Maybe he would hate me and stop talking to me. Not that we talked that much anymore, but still, he was my best mate, so I decided that I wouldn't say anything. Perhaps, that way, the feelings would go away.

Damn, was I wrong! The feelings never went away. In fact, they were growing. But as my feelings grew, so did the lack of communication between me, and Harry. And that was my point, exactly. We really didn't talk that much, and I still felt that way about Harry. I didn't understand why that was happening. And I couldn't understand why Harry was not talking to me anymore, not how we used to, that's for sure.

I used to get so frustrated everytime that I sent a 'Hi' to Harry, when I saw that he was online, and then, ten seconds later, he would reply with a 'Hey, Lou! Sorry, gotta go, I've got so much homework to do. Bye! x' I knew that he was lying, every time, I knew that he was lying, and I just wondered, why. With the time, I stopped trying. I stopped trying to talk to him, to get his attention, to keep us together. I just let him be, if he wanted to talk to me, he could send a text, too. He could call if he felt like it. I was tired of making an effort for the both of us.

So, by the time the fourth year began, we wouldn't talk to each other, at all. I think, that was what hurt the most. The fact that he didn't even try after I stopped talking to him. It was like he didn't even care about our friendship since the beginning, like it didn't mean anything to him. There were times, that I would get so angry about it, that I would punch the walls of my room until my knuckles were bleeding. There were other times when I would just feel so sad, that he wasn't with me, that I would just curl up into a ball in the middle of my room and cry my heart out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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