The Savior

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F/N- First name
L/N-Last name
M/N-Main name ( prefer name)
E/C- Eye color
H/S-Hair style
H/L-Hair length

*the south pole 5 miles southern water tribe compound*

3rd pov

There stood (y/n) in the cold snowy tundra covered in the blood of his own and his enemies, they were Mercenaries that were about to raid the southern water tribe compound to kill the avatar.

Y/N's Pov

(Y/n): "That was close they almost reached the compound, I then retracted my histilldden blades "I'm glad that I left when I did".  Still breathing heavily from the fight

(Y/n): "(grunting)"I look down to see a sharp piece of ice piercing through my left arm " Damn one of the water benders got me " I slowly pulled out the sharp piece of ice then quickly bandaged my arm to treat my wound. still breathing heavily I start to grab onto my chest "Not now" I realized I'm about to have one of those "attacks" again I quickly reached into my trench coat to grab my medicine to take a pill to slow down my breathing
"Ok Back to normal"

Y/N: staring at the sky "storms picking I need to leave" I then turn away from the compound towards the snowy wasteland out of know where I started to think about the avatar all I know is that the avatar is a girl and her name is Korra and she has dark skin that was all knew about her wishing I could see her in person "no" I shake my head back into reality "My Mission is to protect the avatar from the shadows not letting her know that I exist" it's the assassin's life I must follow it to keep the brotherhood existence a secret.

As I'm walking I started to smell something awful, something foul, something dead. I turned around to see the dead mercenaries bodies barley covers in the snow. I saw their blood mixing in with the snow "Damn" It will take hours till they're completely covered in snow and it's will only be a matter of time till the storms over and til it's morning. I then starting to get worried if they're found this could start a huge conflict with the nations unmarked heavily armed mercenaries found dead in the south pole heading towards a compound where the new avatar still in training lives this is bad "I got to get rid of them " I then start patting all over my coat to see if I have any bombs left. On my fourth pat down on my coat I found my last makeshift bomb " I was saving this for a rainy day but I guess this is the rainy day".

A few moments later
I gathered all the bodies together there're at least 8 bodies as I finished collecting the last body I tossed it onto the other bodies which caused a letter to fall out "are these the orders?" I picked up the letter off the snow and began to read.

From the letter
Dear recruits,
If you are reading this letter you have completed the previous tasks that were given to you, now this is your final task is to kill the avatar. The new avatar is still young and hasn't mastered all elements and will pose a threat for us in the future your last trial is to kill them. "Them? these guys don't know what the Korra looks like not even her name" signing in relief that these killers don't know who is she made me calm down. Once I was calm I continue to read the letter.

From the letter

Once your mission is completed return to republic city to be fully initiated into the Templar order. My heart skips a beat from reading the last. Becoming enraged from what I have read I yelled into the night sky

Y/n: "AHHHHHHHHH!!!! EVEN AFTER WHAT I HAVE DONE TO THEIR ORDER THEY STILL EXIST!! I quickly unscramble the letter which I crushed in my hand I look through it once more to see if their was a clue to there location was republic city but nothing else, all that was left I haven't read was the name of the person who wrote the letter

From: Lance

(F/N): "Lance? Who the hell is lance" I said with clear questioning in my tone. "but why would he put his name on the letter"? Unless it's not his real name! Doesn't matter I won't let anyone hurt Korra. Finished with the letter I put the letter in a secret pocket in my jacket. This jacket has saved me a couple times from some fatal blows in the past. The jacket mostly black with an F/C assassin's symbols on the back. But the importance of the jacket is what lies inside the secret pocket. In the pocket containing the letter, a photo of my family who is all dead, a necklace with the Brotherhood's symbol and the ancient golden orb I stoled from the Templar order.

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