Chapter two: Working Things Out

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Leon's POV

As soon as we landed the plane on the landing zone of the HQ several doctors appeared taking in the four girls on to hospital beds. After making sure each was strapped to the bed I looked at the girl who I held longingly. Something drew me towards her. I couldn't explain it. I had to stop myself before Hunnigan saw me like this. ' You shouldn't get emotionally attached to civilians....' I could hear her now.

"Hey, you okay Leon?" Helena asked as I turned around rubbing my neck.

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit..... confused I guess..." I said as I looked at the door where the girls were carried through.

"Yeah me too.... It's strange. Girls falling out of the sky? That's unheard of." She said while looking at the door too.

I laughed and shook my head, "Who knows maybe they're fallen angels?"

"Nice joke mi amigo." A certain Spaniard said coming up behind the two wrapping his arm around both their shoulders.

"I will say this. The one with the short hair looks like quite the princess...." Luis trailed off.

"Oh shut it." Helena said while walking off into HQ leaving me with Luis and his antics.

"So...... want to go and wait for the girls to wake up?" Luis asked as he looked at me smirking a little bit.

"I'll have to report to Hunnigan first but I'll meet you there." I said going to find Hunnigan so I could give her the report so she could update the status report.

Luis POV

I shook my head as I made my way to the infirmary to check on the senoritas. Walking down the hallway I put my hand in my pockets and started whistling a random tune as I neared the infirmary doors.

"I'm sorry but you can't go inside yet." a nurse told me as she held a hand out to stop me.

I looked at her confused before turning to ask her why," Why is that senorita?"

She shook her head and looked down almost contemplating something, "Well....."

She paused and looked around the hall we were in making sure no one was around before continuing," Apparently these girls, well one of them, has a virus inside of her.... We're keeping the others in quarantine until we make sure they aren't infected as well..."

I looked at her with wide eyes before looking back at the door that held a possible threat. I looked back at the nurse only to see that she was walking away towards the other end of the hall. I looked back at the door again and saw that it had a pad-code lock on it. Sighing I went to work on the lock trying to figure out the code and making sure that no doctors or nurses were headed my way. When I finally heard a click I smiled in triumph while shooting a text to Leon to try to sneak towards the door and to tell me when he's outside.

I looked towards the beds to see all of the girls senoritas sleeping. I smiled as I walked up to the only one with short hair. Her skin looked of that of porcelain that was only slightly pale. Her soft brown hair that had slightly golden tips felt so soft as I brushed it away from her face.

"Hmgggg...." a small noise was made behind me causing me to turn around quickly with my gun pointed at the noise.

I looked only to see the senora with the dyed hair was struggling from the restrains in her sleep. I walked over towards her only to hear my phone beep. Checking it quickly I opened the door and let Leon slip inside before firmly shutting it.

"Now why did I have to sneak in here Luis?" He asked while looking around before he saw the senora that whimpered. He slowly started walking towards her but I stopped him from getting any closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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