I have had several editors over the course of 3-4 weeks. Some of them left due to unstable time and others felt they couldn't live up to my expectations so, now, at the moment, I'm looking for another editor. (Bear in mind, I take Personal Editors).

What is the book about?

Hmm, I guess you'll have to visit my profile and click on the book. I'm joking, I'll give you the blurb:

Living covertly within our communities are the Titans, a race of superior beings holding extraordinary powers beyond a mere human's comprehension, bestowed on them from generations. Seemingly gifted with supernatural powers, there are those amongst them who consider their talents to be a curse thus having to suppress their powers from the world.

For Xavier, a telekinetic Titan living quietly amongst mankind, an unexpected invitation to attend a Titan gathering at Lakeview Manor will lead him to question many things as his life goes from hiding as a Titan to using his powers openly. As his knowledge of the Titan race grows, so does the strength of his power, and he meets others like himself, finally finding a place where he belongs.

There's just one problem though: he doesn't know the true motive of the plans of Lakeview Manor, or if there's an ulterior one behind it all. Lakeview Manor holds many secrets and Xavier soon begins to wonder exactly what the purpose of everything is and just who exactly is the anonymous eminence, shielding his identity from them all. Xavier must decide who to trust and which side he is on because only one will emerge victorious as only the strongest survive at Lakeview Manor...

What is your favourite book so far that you've written?

Lakeview Manor

Who is your favourite character?

Blaine Irvine (Lakeview Manor)

Why is he your favourite character?

I like his attitude and the fact that he makes himself seem perfect whereas he is really not and when he is alone or with someone he feels comfortable with, he stops the fake pretence. But, overall, he hides his true self from the world.

Do you have any tips for people who want to write a book?

I know you probably receive all sorts of tips but I say, steal inspiration from the world around you, and start from there. Plan out what you want to do and stick to it. And one thing else, you are the Writer, it is your story, you can do anything.

What was the first book you posted on Wattpad?

Lakeview Manor

Why did you decide to post the book there?

Firstly, I wanted people to read my book and give me some feedback. I wanted random people who didn't know me therefore there was no chance they had a right to sugar-coat things for me. I wanted genuine feedback and criticism and I wanted people to know how serious I was about Writing. I wanted to have some fun with Writing!

How long does it normally take for you to update a book?

It takes a couple of days but I do update regularly.

How many books have you completed?

None so far. I do hope Lakeview Manor will be the first one.

How many books are you writing at the moment?

I am writing one so far even though there are three on my Works.

Do you enjoy writing?

I can't describe how much I enjoy writing. It lifts all the weight and stress off my shoulders and it hurls me into a world in which I love being in. I find it fun writing Chapters in which my characters interact and overall, writing is an amazing experience!

Describe writing to someone who has never heard of it before.

Writing is the act of putting pen to paper, the act of letting your ideas bleed into the page to create a world, an atmosphere in which your characters can be thrown into it, an atmosphere where not everything is perfect and not everyone is all friendly and nice, an atmosphere and a world which is yours to create and yours to end.

 How does it make you feel?

It lifts all the stress and weight of my shoulders and it makes me feel excited and it gives me something to look forward to in times where happiness is limited.

What was your first ever story called?

The Eternal Conflict (It was a different story, not the attempted fan-fiction in my Works).

Anything you'd like to say to your fans?

Pfft, I have no fans! Well, if I do and they are out there, I would like to say Write to your heart’s content and do not stop until you feel you have done all you can do to create your world into one which is satisfying.

As you can see, Sahil is quite a sweet girl with a lot of potential. We all wish her the best in the future. He was an honour to interview. I apologise that it took so long for me to upload it guys. I know you were all waiting for her interview. I hope you all take the time to read a story or two, and remember, don’t be a silent reader. J

(I would like to apologise on the fact that I foolishly assumed that Sahil Javed was a female. Obviously I was wrong. Haha. So I have gone through and fixed up everything (hopefully)

If you read this and see that I have made another mistake, then please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thanks all)

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