The Count Down Begins

Start from the beginning

And that brought to mind a thought he had been playing with in his mind for sometime.  He knew she did not want to live on Kunlun Mountain, and nor would he force her.  But eventually she would learn of his true identity, and the thought of them living together in their Mortal Realm home instead, and returning only when it was necessary had him wondering if it could actually work out for them.  In himself, he felt that it could, but he had wanted to learn a little more about her, before putting the proposal to her. But seeing as she had decided to end their short time together earlier than he had hoped, he finished dressing himself without answering her question.

Let's go, he said smiling at her as he took her hand with the intention of returning to the Peach Tree Grove, but she suddenly pulled him back.  "Let's not go back yet, there's a horse auction nearby, I would like to take a look first." she smiled as Mo Yuan almost gasped audibly, but quickly pulling it back, he said nothing as she led them out of their cabin and onto the path that led to the docking station where the ships came in and the auctions were held.  Though why she would choose to go there, knowing how much she hated the auctions, he could only guess.


Having made his way to the little cottage who's smoke he could see, Tai tentatively knocked on the door before leaning heavily against it.  The walk had been excruciating for him, but his willpower to survive was stronger.  Suddenly the door was flung wide,  and as he fell through the widening gap,  an elderly couple quickly caught him as he fell against them.  Carrying him inside, the woman quickly stripped him while her husband raced to fetch hot water.  "Rags too." she yelled out as he fled to the kitchen.

It had been many years since a child had graced their home, and the poor boy who now lay on their bed looking like death, suddenly had them moving quickly to assist him.  She was a kindly woman, who had once held a position as an assistant to a well known medicine man, so she knew infection when she saw it.  Though being a very recent wound, the leg had not yet begun to swell, which was a very good sign.  It meant she only needed to clean it, and apply a balm before wrapping it to keep it clean.

"Luck has graced you this day young man." she said softly as she ignored his screams.  Wiping away the grime and dirt from his wound was the greatest physical pain he had ever had to endure, but once the balm was applied, the pain eased almost immediately.  The rest of his wounds though extreme, would heal on their own, so she did not fuss too much over them.

"You have taken quite a beating." she said as she took in the extensive bruising to his face, arms and upper body.  "What kind of trouble sought you out?" she asked knowing how dangerous it could be for a child without assistance, and going by the quality of his clothing, and his well fed body, he was no street urchin, the child seemed to be from a well to do home.

Explaining his predicament, the loss of his horse, the little money that he had brought and the men who had beaten him for it and the fact that he had left his home without his parents permission, had the couple tutting their tongues at him.  "That is what rules are for, but I'm sure you are now well aware of that." she sighed.

Then leaning forward, her husband gave him a small smile.  "It seems as if it really is your lucky day.  I happen to be heading into town, you can come with me and find your folks from there." he said before rising.  Having already lost too much time already, he was impatient to leave, the stalls would be closing soon and his wife needed a few things.

So with that, they helped him up so he could make his way back outside.  The mans horse was not as sturdy as his own, but having given his thanks to the kindly old woman they left, with Tai paying very close attention to his surroundings.  He would be coming back to gift them with a new horse when he had the chance.

In fact, he actually wasn't that far from the little town, it had taken only about 20 minutes, so he knew he would be able to find them easily when he returned.  And with the help of the kind old man, he was helped down off the horse and with a low bow, Tai set off slowly limping towards the docking station.


They walked quietly side by side for some time, both lost to their own thoughts.  Now that they were well and truly away from the Inn, Mo Yuan took her hand into his as they made their way to the docking station.  That she was heavily frowning was not missed by Mo Yuan either, he could see she was struggling internally with what he had forced on her and the guilt was weighing heavily on him too as much as it was her.  Whether she confessed to him or not was not the issue, he had already decided to ease her guilt by forgiving her, he had after all started the whole mess, and it was entirely up to him to make it right, regardless of what she chose to do.

And she too could sense his attention on her.  "Mo Yuan.  I am heavily invested in my Mortal marriage.  I love him deeply, and will not do anything to hurt him.  I will be keeping our one night to myself, I just can't bare the thought of the pain in his eyes, if I were to confess my sin.  And for that reason, there will be no more meetings until our official one, and then our marriage.  I do not want to see you again until then." she said.  And though she had spoken softly, her words fell like lead on his ears, but he understood her pain and decision.  Nodding his head lightly, he let it lie, if that was what she wanted, then he would follow suit.

"Tai?" she suddenly gasped as her head flew to the side where a group of people were hurrying towards the last of the auctions for the day.

Not sure if he had heard her correctly, Mo Yuan turned his head in the direction she was facing, and what he saw had his eyes widening.  But before he could even move, Bai Qian had not only returned to her Mortal form barely going unnoticed by the throng of people they were in among, she was already running ahead towards their son.

Fully aware he was still in his Immortal Form, the mind of The War God fully erupted as Mo Yuan chased after her, but kept quiet while surveying their surroundings, every person in their vicinity and their son, who was obviously hurt and there to look for him.  

"Mother..... Mother..... " Tai cried out so happy to see her, having thought he may have been too late to catch his father and then having to find his way home, possibly even walking the whole way back in his condition.

"Tai, darling what happened?" she cried as she pulled him tightly into her arms.

No sooner had the question escaped her lips, than Tai looked up as a shadow fell over his face, but the look on his face had Mo Yuan suddenly taking a step back.  It was a look he had never seen on his sons face before, but he knew it well.  Initially it was one of fear, then it quickly became one of absolute hatred.  

Raising his finger up at him, Tais body shook violently as he pulled his mother closer to his body.  "Don't you come any closer, or I swear I will kill you." he said with so much anger and disgust, that it forced Mo Yuan back another step as he tried to work out why his son was looking at him that way.  He knew it wasn't because he didn't recognize his Immortal form, Tai would never have looked at a stranger with so much open loathing, he could make no sense of it.

Turning her head to look back, Ai frowned before turning back to Tai.  "Darling, he is a friend, mothers friend, he won't hurt you." she said also shocked at not only the condition he was in, but his whole demeanor which she too had never seen in the boy.

Still with his finger in the air pointing directly at him, Tai almost snarled at Mo Yuan, the aggressive revulsion was painful to look at, but Mo Yuan held his ground.  "He's no friend mother, he is the dragon." he whispered.

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