Chapter 2

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Lucy's pov
Im going on a date with the most cutest guy in school and maybe he might invite someone on our date ! Okay Lucy calm down its just a date nothing to worry about but if invites someone then I'm gonna do the same !!!
Lucy paces at her house since it's a Friday and they have no school on Friday cause why not . " Lucy dear can you stop pacing back and forth ." Said Layla her mom . Lucy still paced and thinking." Lucy , stop pacing this instance or your grounded for a whole week . " Said Jude her father . Lucy paced to her room to talk to her best friend levy .  " Oh dear what is up with our daughter she is never like this ever ." Said the Queen who was very worried about her only daughter . Well besides her other three daughters that are married . " I think I should call Alexis , Azura and Ruby they may know why Lucy is like this ." As Layla called her three daughters up to talk to their little sister who is the fourth daughter . " Okay mother I'm coming over ." Said Azura . " I'll be over ." Said Ruby . " Okay mom I'll be over there ." Said Alexis . So the three girls left their kingdom to come over to help their little sister that is the fourth daughter . " Lucy , are you in there . Someone is here to see you ."  Said her father . So Lucy open the front door to her room then Lucy's eyes widened to see her sisters . " Alexis , Ruby & Azura what are you guys doing here did mom send you here . " asked the fourth daughter . " Yes but mom asked us why where you pacing in the living room and now your room what is up with you Luce ??" asked Rudy . " Well don't tell mom nor dad even if they are listening in on our conversation ." Walks to the door and opens it to see her mother and father listening on their conversation." What do you think your doing ." Lucy said looking at her mom and dad wondering . " Umm uh me and your mother are worried about you Lucy ." Said her father the king . " I don't wanna talk about it just leave me alone plz ." As Lucy layed down on her bed trying to sleep . Then her family leaves her alone till he next day which is the date .

Natsu's pov
Today is the day Natsu Dragneel you have  a date with a girl so I need to get dressed and call her to tell her I'll be there soon . And maybe I should see if Gajeel wants to come and if he does maybe Lucy will bring that levy girl .
Natsu calls Lucy and tells her he'll be picking her up soon then he calls Gajeel " What do u want from me salamander." Said the iron dragon. " Well I was wondering if you could come with me on my date ." Said the fire dragon. " What the hell no salamander!" Gajeel said pissed . " I have a feeling that Luce is gonna invite Levy on this date ." Natsu bribed gajeel. " Fine I'll go only if shrimp is there ." Gajeel said kinda happy . " You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike her ~ " happy said over the phone . " SHUT THE UP BLUE TALKING CAT ! " Said the iron dragon . So we're gonna time skip to the date ........................

Lucy's pov
I need to get up and get dressed now because I have a date uhg !! Okay I'm dressed and I'm ready to go....... Fudge my hair I need to fix that this is my first date in a long time since the last time I had a date was when I was in Middle School heh I guess so boys do love me for well me .
So I got my hair brushes then I felt something wrap its arms around my waist . Was it Natsu or loke ? Who could it be . Then I looked in the mirror to see it was NATSU  !? " what are you doing here in my room and why are you here ?!" She was considered why he was in there . " Lucy I can't wait to tell you this at the date so I'll do it here and now ......." He took a really long pause which sacred me . So he turned me around to tell me that " Lucy I really love you and I wanna ..... I wanna ...... Can I just show you ? " he said with a lot of pauses and he wanted to show me something what would it be ? " Umm yeah you can show me whatever you want to show me ." I said very concerned of what he's gonna do . " Ummm okay show me what you wanna show me Natsu Dragneel now as Salamand-" She almost finished her sentence but she gets cut off by him kissing her . Why is he kissing me is this a trick or something but does he really like me and do I like him bc if I do then my ex will come and find me at this school and Natsu will be consider why I'm not with him by his side I like I should tell him now...  Lucy pulls away and stares at him for a little while . " what's the matter ? " he said worried a bit than normal.  " It's just that ex may come and get me back or like WIN me back to be his like he does with every other girl ...." she explains everything to him . " Lu don't worry about him as long as you stay by my side I won't have him take you away from me ever okay and I think you missy should get dressed so we can go on that date and bring that short girl with you bc I promised my friend that you would bring her with us so now it's a double date and I can help you with your hair ? " said Natsu smiling. " Out so I can get dressed and then you can help me with my hair okay ? " Luce said cheerfully. " As you wish ma lady ." Natsu bows down and looks up and smiles at her then he walks out.

Clark's pov
I shall get Lucy to be mine again ever though she moved to a different school and all that stuff I really miss her I want her to be mine again plz god I need her Im just wondering what school she goes too . Oh lookie. Here I found her school heh Fairy tail high that's a nice name I guess I should know transfer to the school .
Clark gets very thing ready to go to his new school . Lucy Heartfilia here I come you better not have a boyfriend and if you do I'll kill him just like all the other boyfriends you had along time .
to be continued............
Sorry everyone who is gonna be mad at me but I wov you all !!!!!!!!!!
Bye everyone I'll continue this !❤️💜💚💙

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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