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Monday October 5, 2016
Asta let out a muffled laugh as she looked over at her best friend Sasha from across the room who wouldn't stop laughing which caused for Asta to continue as they both tried to hide their expressions from the teacher who stood in front of them with a look of frustration as she crossed her arms.

"I guess I'll wait for Ms. Tryggvason and Ms. Alexandersen to finish so we  could continue the instructions class" She spoke as the rest of the class turned to look at them, everyone carrying their on amusing smiles as they looked back and forth watching the interaction between the girls and the teacher.

Wiping tears from her eyes Sasha looked up at women with a smile still playing on her lips, "I am so sorry miss," she could finally say with a straight face.

Asta calmed her self down as she nodded her head while Sasha spoke, "Yes so sorry it will not happen again."

The lady rolled her eyes as she went on to assign partners for the next assignment. Asta now breathing normally, avoided looking at Sasha as she didn't want to get in trouble again. This thing happened almost every class which lead for the teacher to also move them every class.

Seeing as she usually sits in the front, she didn't really notice anyone else further back in the class. Now being moved to the very back far away from Sasha, looking in front of her she saw a boy with blonde almost golden-like hair and a girl with a pretty hijab next to him. She knew the girl next to the boy was Sana as Eskild introduced her to the girls when she and Niklas came over to his shared apartment for a pregame. Before she could gain her attention to say hi, the teacher came over assigning the two in front of her as partners for an asssignment.

Leaning back in her chair Asta sighed as she went on her phone bored from the lack of work in class. A notification popped on her phone saying 'text message from mr. roy gunnar.' With a smile growing on her face she opened the message.

Roy Gunnar was truly one of Asta's greatest friends. She met him through Instagram a month after she moved back to Oslo for her mother's job which worked out for Asta seeing as she got to meet new people and grow closer with her Cousin. Sasha posted a photo of the blue haired girl who had her hair colored white at the time in her Halloween costume which happened to be a fairy. Roy, not knowing who this was did his research, finally direct messaging the girl once he felt like he had enough. They grew close as friends ever since he called her the tinker bell to his Peter Pan as he now referenced her as 'fairy' ever since then. Soon Roy became close with Asta's brother Niklas, his family now close with their family, leading back to his tight bond with Asta. She opened the message as she expected the worst seeing as it is from Roy himself.

mr. roy gunnar:
a little birdy told me you've been talking to jonas hm

 roy gunnar:a little birdy told me you've been talking to jonas hm

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on purpose [jonas vasquez]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt