Jealous? Me? Nah

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"Lucy I have to tell you something..."

Nerves rose inside of me, what did he want to say? Had I done something wrong? I couldn't stop the questions from popping into my head. They weren't even good theories. Wow I sound so clever then... no. This won't last for long will it? No. No it will not

"What's up? I asked George

"Uh, I have a girlfriend!" He said


"Yeah her name is Dani and she is so nice, she has blonde hair, tanned skin and is really fit!"

Ouch that hurt. Wait what am I saying? Carry on George...

"I really hope you like her, she's like completely opposite of you though so I'm not sure."

Ok was he TRYING to annoy me? Oh look at me I'm George and I have a girlfriend who I love and she's completely opposite to you. Good I sound like I'm his ex-girlfriend of something, I'm obviously NOT jealous. cos y'know I don't get jealous. -_- Seriously though. I'm not.

"Wow she sounds like she will be pretty, skinny, loved and popular then!" I said annoyed

"Yeah she I... Wait? What do you mean? You're only saying this because I said she was completely different to you aren't you?"

"Wow, you're a mind reader!" I said sarcastically

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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