Part 24 - The New Guy

Start from the beginning

"I'm good but, I miss you like crazy." I look up to Elise and I see her smiling at me. 

"I miss you too, I wish I could be home tomorrow for our birthday." 

"I do too. How are things going with," I turn slightly away from my group of friends, "The Avengers?" 

"It's great! Mr. Stark is letting me help out a lot. How's school?" 

I turn back to my friends and look at Liam, "It's great! I was chosen to escort a new student around school today. His name is Liam, he's super cool. Elise and I invited him to our birthday celebration Sunday." 

Peter stays silent for a moment, "Oh that's great, Y/N" 

"Are you OK with that?" I ask. 

"Yeah, it's fine. Uh- I have to go now but I'll call you later. I'll miss you," Peter says. 

"I'll miss you too. Call me tonight. Bye." I hang up the phone and lay it down on the table. 

I return to talking to Liam about various things. I get to know him and what he's like. He tells me about how he was born and raised in Queens. He has a younger brother and an older sister in college. He's a photographer who was recently accepted into a statewide photography contest. 

"So, I've met all of your friends, except for Peter. Tell me about him," Liam takes a sip of his milk and looks to me. 

"Um, well. Peter has been my best friend since kindergarten, minus the three years I was in Michigan. When I moved back to Queens we met at school and became best friends again. He asked me to homecoming, then later that same day he asked me to be his girlfriend." I watch as Liam listens intently to me. 

"So what makes you like him?" 

"Um, he's not like most guys. He's smart, kind and sweet. He's always been there for me. I can't explain how happy I get when I'm around him. He's just amazing." 

I suddenly realize I've been rambling on for some time now, "What about you, do you have a girlfriend?" 

"Oh, god no. I can't imagine any girl ever going out with me." He looks down and readjusts his beanie. 

"Why not? You're funny, cute kind. What girl wouldn't want to go out with you?" I playfully punch his arm and he laughs. 

The bell rings and lunch of over. 

Peter's POV: 

I hang up the phone and think, 'Should I be at all worried about this new guy, Liam?'

Mr. Stark walks over to where I'm sitting, "I'm gonna sit here so move your phone," 

I grab my phone off the couch cushion and Mr. Stark sits down. 

"Trouble in paradise?" He asks me. 

"What?" I turn off my phone and set it down. 

"Your girlfriend, I could tell you were just talking to her," 

I sigh, "There's some new guy she met today and they're friends," I explain, "I know I shouldn't feel worried but I am." 

He thinks for a moment, "Well, you're talking to a women expert here, Mr. Parker," Mr. Stark gestures to himself, "To be honest, I think you're fine, who wouldn't want a little Spider-ling as their boyfriend?" 

I sigh as he says, "And, oh, here's an idea. Why don't you just call one of your little friends and talk to them about it." 

"Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Thank you Mr. Stark," He gets up without saying another word. I immediately grab my phone and call Ned. 

The phone rings for a bit and then I hear Ned's voice, "Hey Peter," 

"Hey Ned, I need you to do me a favor," I say. 

"What is it?" He responds. 

"Are you at lunch?" 

"Yeah, why?" 

I think for a moment, "I know this sounds weird but Y/N told me that she met a new guy today. Is that true?" 

"Yeah, they're sitting right across from me." 

"They are?" I say louder than I should. 

"Yeah. They're just talking and laughing at each other. Um, Peter, I don't want to worry you, but Liam is looking at Y/N the same way you look at her." 

"What?" I shout. 

"That dreamy look like he likes her or something." Ned's voice sounds confused. 

"That can't be they just met!" I get up off the couch and walk around the building, "Listen, Ned, just keep me posted on what goes on with them." 

"OK, I'll text you tonight." 

I hang up the phone, I begin worrying about losing Y/N to Liam. It's only one more day. And then I'll be back home with Y/N and everything will be alright. 

I grab my backpack from the table and search through it until I find Y/N's gift. I take out a little black box, I open the lid and look at my gift to Y/N.

I remember her pointing it out to me in a magazine when we were younger, and then again a month ago. She's always loved this certain piece of jewelry. I think back to when we met again before we dated, she told me that she wants someone to give her this to show her that they truly love and care about her. 

And I love her. I know it in my heart, even if I never said it. I've loved her since we were little. And I never forgot about her in the three years that we were apart. And I hope she will know once I give her this. 

I whisper quietly to myself, "God, I hope she likes this promise ring." 





A/N: Oh gosh, Peter is getting worried, and I SCREAMED while writing about the part with the promise ring. What do you guys think? Do you like Liam? Do you think he likes Y/N? Should Peter be worried? Thank you all for the comments and support on my stories. Don't forget to comment, follow and vote. Love you all, 

~MJ Xx

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