Chapter 15 - feelings

Start from the beginning

"What was that for?!" I said.

"Kissing me and then going onto Gon? You would make a move on my best friend?" He looked hurt as he said that.

"I wasn't! And I never intend to!" I said. "Stop misunderstanding!"

"Stop playing around with me." He said.

"Weren't you the one who played with me?! Aren't you satisfied that I wasn't happy without you?! Confessing to someone, playing with me and now you are here saying that? Now you're here saying that I'm the one messing around and making a move on your best friend?! How dare you say that! I was always serious about you! You never even consider me from the start and instead I was considered as your play thing! Now you're saying that I'm the one being unfair?!" My eyes are starting to be watery. "Okay! I think I've had enough of this little game you're probably betting on! I can't believe I fell for such a jerk like you! I am out."

I stomp out of the classroom with my backpack and purposely bump into his shoulder. I was very angry with him at this point. I don't even want to consider this as love anymore. He is just a dense jerk who plays with girls and probably even betting who's going to get the girl! How stupid sounding! I can't believe I fell for him! That jerk! Should've slap him. My blood boiled as Kana follow behind me.

"That damn idiot! He doesn't even know how I feel like and here he is trying to say stuff now. Wow, that is just great!" I said sarcastically to Kana. "Telling me off when he has a girlfriend."

"You know you confessed around the end of your argument, right?" Kana said.

"I did! I seriously can't believe that anyone is this dense. My use-to-be crushes in the past were not this dense before. If he didn't get it, I just have to say it aloud to him to let him know. How irritating!" I said.

We walk to cool my boiling head off. I had a lot to complain about. Miki can have him for all I care now. I don't give a care anymore. If he can realize that my feelings were true, he would've come chasing after, but he didn't. It wasn't dark yet so I stayed sitting on the bench with Kana. We stayed there for an hour or so.

"It's 4 p.m. Won't your family worry?" Kana ask.

"Nah, I texted them. They gave me an okay." I replied.

I got up and threw my juice box that I bought, in the trash. Someone pull me into a hug from behind and I recongize this scent.

"What are you doing?! Don't you have a girlfriend, Killua?" I said as my brows starts to furrow.

"Have fun." Kana said as she left.

"Wait!" I shout, but it was no use as she ran, leaving us to the public eye.

"Take this somewhere else! Your girlfriend will get upset! People are also starting to awe or puke at us." I said to him.

"No." He reply.

I sigh and walk as he still remained the same position. I walk as he hug me from behind to a more private area. When we reached a more less people area, I told him to let go.

"Don't get me more in trouble with your so-call girlfriend." I said.

He lets go and looks at me. He was expressionless.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? We can get medicine first if yo-"

He pulls me into a hug again. I almost bit him, but he said, "She only dated me for the money."

That explains a lot why she betrayed me and even dated him.

"Did you break up?" I ask gently, patting him back.

"Not yet, I only overheard it from her and her friend's conversation."

"Around where?"

"They were walking towards a small shop that was like a cafe?"

Let me go beat her up right now. That also explains why he didn't chase after me right away, he must've heard and was hurt. He did say that he liked her.

"Come here!" I drag his hand and had him go to it.

We found the shop. That same shop she took me to. I turn to Killua.

"Stay here and look. Don't do anything." I said.

He nods as I enter the shop. I payed around 40 dollars in case I break something as I came in. Miki looked toward me.

"How's your boyfriend doing?" I ask.

"We are good. We love each other so much!" She replies as her friends giggle.

"Wow!" I said.

"Said the girl whom her boyfriend dumped her as soon as she said she only wanted money. How annoying you stupid little *****. You #&$*# gold digger. Let me kick your ass right here." I said in her ear. "Your luck was bad ever since you messed with me and my cute bae."

I was not happy with her. If I fight, everything will be my fault. So I'll just provoke her. She took the first swing with her friends cheering her. A crowd gathers. This will be my witness.

"What did I do wrong?" I said sarcastically.

"You cursed and insulted me!" She shout.

"When did you hear I cursed? I only greeted you. Did anyone hear my cursed to her? " I ask the crowd.

They shook no. My win. The staff took her and her friends and kicked them out. They even banned them. They apologize for the rude person and allow me to eat for free for at least 2 days. I got out and grab Killua's arm.

"I got them banned! Yas! I know you're hurt and all, that girl isn't good for you no matter what. So I broke up with her for you." I said as I went my way.

Now what? What's his next move? Is he going to thank you and that's it? You can't really hope for anything, can you. Stay tune!

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