Chapter 4

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I go back to bed after he leaves; it’s so exhausting being near him, more emotionally than anything else but there’s still the fact that whenever I’m near him it’s like I’m having a heart attack.

I wake up at 9 am then next morning, Adela is sitting at her desk doing work,

“Hey there sleepy head, how are you feeling?”

I sit up, “I really thought girls were the more complicated sex, but I don’t think I give boys enough credit. They’re just as confusing.”

She frowns, “It’s not really that confusing. Girls are bitches, boys are bitches, I don’t see where the confusion is.”

I rub my eyes, “Ciro was here last night.”

I hear her pen drop onto her desk, “What?”

“He came by to apologize-”

“You didn’t let him in did you?” She says standing up, “Tell me you didn’t.”

I grimace, “I let him in.”

She sighs, slumping in her chair, “Magpie.”

“Look, he apologized but I didn’t say anything about forgiving him, in fact I threatened him and he seemed to take me seriously enough to look like he was about to cry.”

She relaxes a little, “I don’t know what that guy is up to, but we need to keep our guard up Magpie, the last thing I want is for you to get hurt.”

“I know, don’t worry he won’t be bothering us.” I smile.

Adela nods, “Go get dressed I want to go into town, Rose said she’d come and meet us at 10.”

I get into the shower and wash quickly; I slip into the jumpsuit I didn’t wear yesterday and straighten my hair. When I get out of the bathroom I see Rose sat on my bed, she smiles,

“How are you feeling?”

“Better.” I say, positioning myself in front of the mirror, “But I know those photos are going to be around school by tomorrow, so I’ll have to prepare myself.”

I see her frown through the mirror, “They took pictures? Arseholes.”

“So where did you two go yesterday, I didn’t see you when I got out of the shower?”

“We took the towels to get cleaned and then we went for dinner, we didn’t think you’d want any.”

I nod, “I wasn’t really that hungry.”

“So,” Adela sighs, “Are you done with the mask? Can we go out now?”

I brush the last of my foundation on, and shove my purse and phone into my pocket. Rose and I start walking down as Adela locks up, “So what did you talk about with Ciro, I can’t imagine there was much to say to him.”

“Actually there was, he was really nice, until the whole paint thing.” I shrug.

“Seriously?” She asks with wide eyes, “Well that’s surprising.”

“I told you!” Adela says, triumphantly, “He’s a nice guy when he wants to be.”

I nod, “I believe you, but whatever he said while we were on the ‘date’ doesn’t make what happened any less traumatic. I still don’t like him.”

Rose and Adela nod together.

As we walk across the school grounds, towards the exit, I hear Rose’s name being called. We turn around and see Joe and Will coming towards us,

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