The Boy i Met

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I wish we could have rewind time back to that fateful summer day.

We just transferred into a new neighborhood, and it was the first day of summer. I don’t have classes because I don’t go to school, but, instead, home study myself, due to the constant travelling. Since my books were still packed, I decided to go around the neighborhood for awhile. I found a park directly across the street. There weren’t any kids there, maybe it’s unpopular? Or is it because its summer and the temperature is not the best to be actually outside? But I’m different. I love the heat of the sun.

I settled myself in the middle of the three swings, and thought about what I should study first. Math? Or maybe science? But then I was disturbed by his presence. Suddenly asking:

“You there, that’s quite a lonely face of a stranger. What’s your name? Do you live around here?” I dunno but, he gave off that warm yet unsettling feeling. Looking up at you makes me feel relieved yet scared.

“I’m Hiyori.” I answered honestly. “I live across the street. And you are?”

Hibiya, huh? It was the first for me to have to talk to guys, or to anyone at all, for that matter. I tried going back to the train of thoughts I had awhile ago, before he came. But found I was unable to do so. Is it because of his presence? I’m getting nervous? I can’t concentrate at all. Being alone with a stranger, and a guy at that... feels so ... weird.

“Would you mind going now? I want to be alone.”

I suddenly blurted out. My own voice, I was shocked, seems like a stranger’s to me. My heartbeat went faster than usual, and I kinda regret asking him to leave, while he did nothing to even disturb me, but otherwise.

“Well, I’m sorry. See you next time.” Hibiya said as he went. He even smiled.

I’m sorry. You didn’t have to say sorry. It was my fault. I should be the one apologizing.

See you next time. I hope there will be next time. This is the first time someone actually said that to me. I hope I see you tomorrow again. I promise I’ll be politer, and friendlier.  Oh God, I hope I will get to see him again.

Wish granted. He went to the empty park again. We just sat at the swing sharing stories about being homeschooled. It seems he too, were homeschooled due to some reasons he didn’t tell me. Since my parents travel a lot, I never really got to any school, and didn’t get any close friends or friends at all. And I’m not a really sociable person.

The following days were the same: The same empty park, the same swing, and the same time. Then there was this one day, about a week after you brought your dog along.

You didn’t come.

It was sad, but I waited till sundown, but you really didn’t come. The only thing keeping me company was the empty park, the summer heat, the breeze, the sky. Why didn’t you come? I went home, not meaning to look so sad, but my parents noticed it abruptly.

“What happened, dear?” asked my mom as I sat on my usual chair around the round table meant for only the three of us. I looked up, and my mom was wearing this really worried face.

“Nothing, Mom, you don’t have to be worried that much.” I answered, hoping my voice kept all the emotions I wanted hidden from them.

“I heard Hibiya’s parents were fighting again. They were really nice people, but as a couple and parent to Hibiya, I don’t understand why they just can’t get along.” My father said. So he knew something of the state Hibiya’s family is in. I wonder how. I wonder even more why. I just kept on eating and the meal and went up to my room.

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