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OH MY GOD!!!!!! IM going to strangle Mr.G!  He proposed to my mom when she told him she is going to have a kid.  I cant believe my mom is going to marry my algebra teacher and she is going to give birth to my little brother or sister!!!!  My whole world is falling apart!! Why does everything weird have to happen to me?! I wish Mr.G and my mom never started dating if anyone finds out about this I will be the outcast whos step dad her algbra teacher I will be a total loser well not like I am now. What am I going to do if lily finds out about this? You know what I am just going to tell her.

Third Person P.O.V

lily walks up to Mia at her locker while she tries to hide her face from Josh Richter and Lana Weinberger as they are in a full French makeout session at his locker lily says "Hey, Hows it going Mia?" Mia replies with in a whisper voice"SHHHHHHH don't let them know I'm watching them! Your gonna blow my cover!" lily says back in a whisper voice "Why are you watching them? You know that makes you a creep right?" Mia says "Yes I know I'm just waiting for them to stop so I can get my stuff." lily asks "Btw ive been meaning to ask, why have you been acting so weird and lying about PMS I knew you were because I know you would never admit that in front of Lars." Mia says while pulling lily away from her locker and returning to her normal voice "Yeah I have been meaning to  talk to you about that but can we go outside first?" lily says "uh ya sure ok lets go"

Lily's P.O.V

We walked out side and when we got there I knew something big was up because Mias face was pale like super pale and when her face is like that shes scared to tell me something but she feels like she has to I was thinking about what she wanted to tell me when I heard a sort of low voice saying "lily? lily? lily wake up!" I said "oh sorry spaced out for a sec so what was it you wanted to tell me?"

Mias P.O.V

I said "ok lils can you promise not to laugh or get mad at me or get all sad and walk away when I tell you this?" she said"yes I wont do any of those things when you tell me whats up can you please tell me now?" I said in a really fast voice " the other day my mom came into my room saying that she was pregnant and I was all WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! and she was like Mr.G  got me pregnant please don't be mad I love and I was like I don't believe you if you are pregnant than you would have the pregnancy test and would prove it to me and then she showed me the pregnancy test and it was positive please don't yell at me!" I was out of breath.

Lilys P.O.V

I was in total shock "your mom is pregnant and Mr.g is one who got her pregnant?"

I hope you guys liked this chapter I know its short but I will continue the rest of it in chapter three I am going to be doing chapter shout outs so if you want a shout out leave a comment of your name and hopefully you will be the one in my chapter shout out.

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