Tsunade looked at him in surprise. "How would you know that?"

"My father showed me the fourth's picture when I was smaller and said, 'son this is what a true hero looks like.' Naruto looks rather like his old man."

"That he does. Kamizaki I have to ask you if there is going to be a problem between you and Temari."

"Tsunade-sama when I heard the news of the wedding I knew that Temari would be representing Suna. I was happy for her, I never was romantically involved with her I just used that little compliment when we were children because she was always an unemotional child. It was my way of getting her to smile. I love Temari as a sister not anything more. She was there for me in a time that haunts me to this day."

Tsunade nodded. It wasn't that she didn't trust the boy; it was just early to be adding a third wheel to this relationship. In certain ways he was like Naruto, however Kamizaki had not had a childhood as terrible as Naruto's or so she thought.

Outside the Office

Naruto didn't trust this guy. He has a history with Temari and it seems like it was something more intimate than just friends. It made Naruto's blood boil, to think of Temari being with another man. Why does this bother me some much?

Because you love your mate.

What! You have got to be kidding me; first off she isn't my mate. Second things between us are a little bit icy at the moment.

Whatever kid, think that you want, but you know you care for her.

Shut up fox.

"So Temari was there ever..."

"No Kamizaki and I never were involved we were too young to do anything. I never really saw him as the romantic type he was always busy training with my father. I think that may have lead to small war inside my family, but I could never blame Kamizaki because he wasn't there because he wanted to, he just was there."

Naruto just nodded. He could see the sadness in her eyes. Moving behind her he held her close. She moved closer needing the embrace to help her forget the horrible memory that has come back with Kamizaki's return. Looking into Naruto's eyes she sees the concern he had for her. She smiles and he returns it. The door to the office opens and Kamizaki exits, when he sees the coupe he smiles.

"I really am sorry for being here during this time, but I think I will catch him soon." Placing the mask back on, "I'll be following you at distance so that they don't know I am here." With that he left in puff of smoke.


When the couple entered the house, Kamizaki reappeared in a puff of smoke. Removing the mask he smiled at them.

"Naruto I must admit you have a nice place. The reports said you lived in a little dingy apartment, but I don't think that this is an apartment."

Naruto was confused, "What the hell do you mean reports?"

"Ever since the marriage was announced/ actually took place every hidden village has had a file on you two and those that have been in contact with you since your birth. I have reason to believe that something much bigger than just an assassination attempt on your life is going on."

Temari was slightly worried. "What do you mean by bigger than assassination attempt?"

"That's what I wanted to know, all I can do is try to capture the perpetrator and question him."

By then they were talking in the courtyard, the wind picked up and Kamizaki disappeared completely, no puff of smoke. Temari and Naruto looked around. Then Kamizaki reappeared, but with a few kunai to his throat.

"For kami's sake people try not to kill me. Not until I get the bastard."

The two ninjas removed their kunai. Exhaling, Temari spoke first, "Try not to disappear and then reappear without telling us." With that she left the two boys to get ready for bed, because by then it was late.

Naruto's stomach rumbled, "Hey Kamizaki are you hungry?""Famished I haven't eaten in about a day since I was getting close to Konoha."

The two boys headed off to the kitchen.


Many bowls of Ramen later the two were sitting at the table talking up a storm.

"So Kamizaki when did you kill your first enemy?"

"I was six when I did that, but I would rather not go into details. How about you?"

"I was twelve, like you I would rather not talk about it."

Kamizaki nodded, "Naruto." He had this serious tone that made Naruto look at him. "If you do anything to hurt her I swear to kami I will kill you. I don't care who gets me next, but you will not survive if I have to hunt you down." Naruto just nodded. "However on a brighter note I have a wedding gift for the both of you, but that can wait until tomorrow."

"Kamizaki..." looking at Naruto it was evident something was bothering him.

"Naruto I am really not the best at giving advice, but I can tell you this you are already doing a great job to breaking down her 'walls.' Temari is not the most emotional or easiest person to get close to with. I know because it took me about a month to finally get her name from her and I was only 5 back then." He laughed. "Seriously though you really got a nice catch. She really is an amazing woman. I know that the two of you will be happy soon." Kamizaki got up from the table heading off to the room that he had been given. As he headed there he felt a familiar chakra head to here he had just left. Smiling to himself, they'll be just fine.

Naruto felt the presence of another person enter the room, but he didn't turn around. Temari wrapped her arms around her husband and kissed his neck.

"You two boys done talking?"

"Yeah I was just about to head to bed." Turning he looking into Temari's eyes, they weren't the icy depths that he had seen before, they were filled with something that he couldn't put his figure on.

"Let's go to bed Temari-chan."
1747 Words

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