Chapter 1: Werewolf Attack

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She nodded and he continued. There was blood all over her as he wrapped his belt around the top of her thigh and pulled is tightly closed. The sun was going down: he needed to hurry.

"So," she started, her voice high and airy with pain, "you're a hunter?" 

"Have been since I was a kid. Sam Winchester." 

"Georgie. Nice to meet you."

Dean returned with the bag, dropping it on the ground next to Sam. He regarded the woman on the ground with interest. She was young, younger than them, and had just killed a werewolf. She also wasn't crying when the same wolf had slashed her thigh. She was tough.

"I'm Dean. Winchester." He handed Sam gauze and alcohol and started prepping a needle for stitching. Sam cut away part of the woman's pants so that he could reach the wound.

"Great," Georgie answered back, not currently caring about pleasantries. 

Dean looked surprised. Sam poured alcohol on Georgie's leg, and she hissed, writhing on the ground as the wound burned. Sam wiped the blood with a cloth bandana, trying to clean it as best he could before putting gauze over all the cuts except one. 

Dean handed Sam the needle. He looked back at the woman, whose name he hadn't gotten, but didn't want to annoy her further. 

He noticed that there was no recognition when he told her his name. She didn't know who they were, which meant that she didn't run in hunter circles. Sam stuck the needle through the edges of the first cut. Georgie hisses out in pain, gripping the grass under her hands and squeezing. "Ah. Oh wow. Needles." 

Sam chuckled. "Sorry, we ran out of local antithetic couple jobs ago."

"It's fine. I didn't have anything last time except oral painkillers." 

"What happened last time?" Dean asked, curious about this woman's life. 

She cleared her throat to talk better. "It was spring, April. I was in Georgia visiting my brother. Vampire took a chunk out of my shoulder." Dean wished he could see that scar, but her arms were covered in a jacket. "Actually had to go to the hospital and get a skin graft for that one."

"Cool," Dean enthused. He had multiple scars, but they were mostly small cuts and scrapes.

"Bohdi said I passed out from blood loss."

"Bohdi?" Sam asked, still stitching on her cuts. Dean added more gauze on top of the other cuts. There were three main ones, two large and one smaller. Sam worked on the smaller one, giving the others time to stop bleeding.  

"My brother. I told him that it was a dog that bit me. He lives in Cali now." 

Dean nodded. "He doesn't know you hunt?" 

Georgie scoffed. "Hell, no. Bohdi would have a heart attack. He's about as protective as an older brother can get." 

Sam was quick, moving on to the second cut, blood all over his hands now. "I understand that. So, Georgie, do you do this job solo?"

Georgie. The name fits her well, Dean thought.  

Georgie sighed. "Yeah." She clenched her fists around a wad of grass as the needle went through her skin. Her head laid back, her shoulder and neck muscles straining. She was looking into the sky, trying to keep her mind off the pain in her leg. "Mmh," She groaned. 

"When this is done, can you take me home? I need to change my clothes and lay down."

Sam nodded. "I can do that. Dean can dispose of the werewolf. Right, Dean?" 

Dean stared blankly at him. He wanted to take care of the pretty girl rather than a dead dog, but what-the-fuck-ever. "Yeah, knock yourself out." He'd probably just burn it and then bury the ashes. Seemed like a good way to go. 

Sam was more of a caregiver than he was anyway. 

In a few more minutes, Sam had finished stitching Georgie's thigh and had cleaned and bandaged it as best he could. He kept the belt on her leg while he helped her stand. She couldn't put any weight on it. Sam got her into the front seat of the Impala and waved bye to Dean. He'd come back to get him when he called. 

Joining Georgie in the car, Sam asked where they were going. 

"I'm parked in a camping area a mile west. Thought it was the best way to hunt down the were who was killing people. Guess it worked. I tracked him through the woods to the house."

"What do you drive?"

Sam saw Georgie smirk. "You'll know it when you see it. I'm the only one out there."

Georgie shifted multiple times in the seat, trying to get comfortable. It was a good thing that it only took them a few minutes to get to the camping area. There were dirt patches in a large clearing where tents and cars parked. Small and large circles of ash remained where campers made fires.

Sam looked around, seeing that the only thing there was parked all the way in the back of the clearing, behind a row of trees and bushes. Sam followed the twisty path around until he could see the vehicle clearly.

"This is yours?"

Georgie nodded. 

"Dean is going to freak."

Georgie- A Supernatural Fanfic Meets the #Buslife Movement Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin