Dammit Danny

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Danny's phone went off, making him whine and groan. He coughed harshly and sat up. He sneezed a bunch of times before finally answering the damn phone. He tried not to sound as sick as possible. "Hello?" he cleared his throat.

"Rise and shine ya lil shit, we're picking you up in ten minutes to go work on the new album," Jordon answered.

"I thought I was done with recording," Danny rubbed sleep from his eyes as Jordon laughed into the speaker.

"Haha, yeah no, you're not done... well you kinda are, but you haven't finished the lyrics for the other songs and hurry up cause we still need to pick up George," Jordon replied.

"Wait, who's we?" Daniel yawned.

"Uh, obviously not me and J," Jordon chuckled. "Dilly actually beat us there today."

"Why is J driving everyone?" Danny asked.

"Actually I'm driving everyone, thank you very much, and J's car broke, so he's hitching a ride with me."

"Can't you get arrested for driving while calling someone?"

"Uh probably, but you're on speaker. Now hurry your ass up, I'm about to pull up." He hung up as Danny slowly pulled himself out of his nest of blankets and started changing. He debated whether to wear a hoodie or not until he heard the doorbell ring. He sluggishly stepped down the staircase, tripping multiple times till he opened the door.

"Hey Da-you dont look so good, are you sick?" Jorel asked, raising his hand in an attempt to feel Danny's forehead.

"Uh yep, I feel fine, don't worry about me," Danny smiled, dodging his hand. Jorel looked skeptically at his boyfriend.

"Are you sur-"

"Yep, c'mon before Jordon throws a fit about us taking too long," he rushed past and hopped into the car.

"Hey Danny, you good?" Jordon asked, looking over Danny's messy hair and flushed skin.

"I swear I'm fine!" Jordon shrugged as Jorel climbed in the backseat. After picking up George, who also asked Danny if he was alright, the four drove over to the studio, where Dylan was waiting for them outside.

"I left my keys at home and I can't find my notebook," he frantically waved his arms around.  Danny wondered if he was already high, even though it was early in the morning. 

"Chill!  Your notebook is inside, you left it in there," George chuckled.  "Did you roll another blunt yesterday?" 

"Hell yeah!"

Danny pushed the door open, nearly toppling over as he did.  He thought the room was spinning.  He had to stop and pause.  "Baby, are you sure you're okay?" Jorel worriedly asked.  Danny nodded and walked in sitting down on the couch and pulling out a pencil and his notebook. 

"Alright Dilly, let's get your recording done, then Jordon and George.  Since Danny's done with his recording, he'll work on lyrics for the next song," Jorel directed.  Danny stood up to get some water, hissing when Jordon turned on the bright lights in the room. 

"Danny... you sure you're fine?  You look really flushed," Dylan pointed out. 

"I am fucking fine!  How many times do I have to tell you guys that?  Jordon suddenly turned on the lights and I have a headache and I'm really thirsty!" Danny growled.  Jorel smiled at his boyfriend and reached to grab his hand. 

"Okay, relax Danny, Jordon'll go get your water and you'll get used to the lights, or you can wear sunglasses," Jorel chuckled, guiding Danny back to the couch.  "Okay, what's up?  You're really warm."

"But I'm cold," Danny complained. 

"Maybe I should take your temperature, just in case you're sick."

"I.  Am.  Not.  Sick." 

"Okay, okay, no need to bite Jorel's head off, you can't get mad at him for being a mother hen," George rolled his eyes.  This prompted the couple to flip him off.  Jorel turned to Danny again. 

"I am fucking taking your temperature and I will get them to help me if you struggle," Jorel ground out.  Danny rolled his eyes and slumped in the couch. 

"Fine, but no doctor."

"Well that depends on your temp 'Mister-I'll-just-make-everyone-worry-and-pretend-I'm-not-sick,'" Jorel shook his head. 

"Jorel's spirit animal is a hen," Jordon sniggered as he handed Danny a glass of water.  "Ow you faggot!" he rubbed the back of his head where Jorel hit him. 

"Knock it off guys," George pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. 

"I need another blunt, y'all stressin' me out," Dylan piped up. 

"Not before you're about to record!" Jordon shouted.  Dylan glared at him as Jorel resisted the urge to smack him again. 

"Move!" Danny shouted, pushing past Jorel and Jordon and running to the bathroom.  He clumsily lifted the lid and vomited.  Jorel ran in with him and knelt down, rubbing his back. 

"Dammit Danny!" Jorel huffed.  "Relax baby, just get it out," he sighed at Danny continued to vomit. 

"Fuck off," Danny irritably growled, wiping his mouth.  Jorel flushed for him and watched Danny rinse his mouth out.  "My head hurts," he whined, leaning against Jorel. 

"C'mon, we'll go home and you can rest up, the lyrics can wait," Jorel held him up, pecking his cheek. 

"You're gonna get sick," he slurred. 

"No I won't," Jorel replied, helping him out and telling the guys they were going home. 

"FAGGOTS!" Jordon shouted after them.  "GODDAMMIT GEORGE!  It was a joke!  It'll go right over the lovebirds' head!"  Jorel chuckled and helped Danny into the car. 

A week later...

Jorel pulled himself out of bed sluggishly, before bolting to the bathroom to throw up.  "I told you so," Danny sang, coming in to help him.  Jorel wiped his mouth and brushed his teeth before leaning against the wall. 

"Dammit Danny!"

*This is my first Derillo oneshot.  I love this ship so much.*

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