Thinking that their reactions were because of his position, he asked the question that had been bothering him ever since he had woken up this morning. “So I am guessing I would be wasting my time trying to ask for the name of who I am supposed to marry?” Gaara nodded. Releasing a deep breath, how troublesome. “Bowing to the two sand-nin. “Make yourselves at home; I will be back in a few hours after training. With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Kankuro looked at Gaara, “This is getting more interesting by the instant.” Gaara just stared at the fire burning.


Temari slid into the hot water. The muscles in her legs began to relax almost immediately. The steam that rose from the spring hung thickly in the air making it almost impossible to see anything. Letting go of a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding. So I am going to be married in two days. Swimming to the far end of the spring she rested her back against the wall.

“I wonder who it will be.” Her thoughts began to go through all of the leaf-nin. The first person to come to mind was Sasuke. I could never marry a traitorous bastard like that. When she had found out that he had left the village four years ago, she couldn’t believe it. He didn’t seem like the type to run away, but when she had heard why he had left her anger had gotten the best of her. She remembers yelling at Gaara like it was his fault. It had ended when Gaara had merely said, “It isn’t our problem let the leaf deal with it.” Still she couldn’t help but feel bad for the other leaf-nin. Eventually she got over it.

The next person who came to mind was Shikamaru. He had been nice during the time he was her guide, but he was always so depressed and it was really unsettling for her. Rock Lee, was a nice guy, but it was clearly evident that he really liked Sakura. It wasn’t that she didn’t like bugs, but Shino was really odd, he almost never talked. Kiba was a nice guy, loyal and friendly, but something about having all of those dogs was unsettling. She liked dogs and had nothing against them, but it seems odd to her. She had met Sai, but could immediately tell he was gay. There was no question about it. Then there was Neji. He had become nicer over the years, but he still acted like he had a stick up his ass.

Last but defiantly not least was Naruto. He was hyperactive as ever, but today he seems subdued and lost in thought. She knew he was stronger than he let on sometimes. She had seen that when he defeated Gaara four year age. She also knew that he had grown up since she had first met him. She didn’t mean just physically, because if it was just that she knew he was one fine piece of work there, but mentally he had gotten smarter. A few months ago she had actually been saved by him. While on a mission he hadn’t rushed in, he had just waited and somehow saved her.

Sighing at her thoughts, she climbed out of the spring and wrapped a towel around her. Walking across the courtyard she found her room and got dressed.


Hitting the log, Naruto leapt back getting ready to punch the log; he lost concentration when he heard.

“Naruto…” Turning to look at his visitor, he saw that is was Sakura.

“Hey Sakura…” He could see the hurt in her face as he said her name.

Sakura noticed that he hadn’t added the chan, but she knew that it was deserved. “Naruto I really wanted to say sorry and…”

“It’s okay Sakura. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“No it does, I realize now that you were really always there for me, but I was too hung up on Sasuke to notice. I want you to know that I will always be there for you.”

Naruto couldn’t help but feel a little better, but she didn’t know about his recent predicament. “Have you heard the latest rumors going about the village?”

Worry crossed her face. “You mean theones about a marriage being part of the peace treaty?”

“That’s the one. The council decided that I would be representing the leaf village in the marriage.”

Shock was evident all over her face. How could he be getting married after them breaking up only a few months ago? “To who?”

“I don’t know.”

How could they do that to him? It was he who killed Orochimaru and Akatsuki She felt sad, yet happy for him at the same time. “Well Naruto I hope that you find happiness. I want you to know that I will be there to help you anytime you need it, because only kami knows how many times you have helped me.” She smiled at her friend, it wasn’t everyday that one got married. She was worried; that the person he was supposes to marry might find out about the Kyuubi and treat him like he had been treated by the village many years ago. He didn’t deserve to be treated like that, not when he was the driving force behind most of the village ninjas. If anyone deserved happiness it was Naruto.

Naruto looked at her; he felt better knowing that she would be there for him, yet sad that he couldn’t be with her. “Sakura I want you to be at the ceremony. I know that only the families of the to be wedded are suppose to be there, but you, Tsunade, Iruka, and Jiraiya are the only family I have.”

“Sure thing Naruto, how about we go to get some ramen to celebrate?”
Naruto’s smile grew larger, “Alright but I get to pay.”

“Why should you pay, I am the one who is taking you. I refuse to let you pay, and don’t try anything like you did last time,” she added threateningly.

“Fine, if you insist.” Naruto gave his friend a hug as they headed off to the ramen stand.

You be just fine Naruto. I know you will be a great husband.


Unbeknownst to the entire village, a small group of people watching the villagers as they went about their busy lives.

“So brother, when do we get to have some fun?” Asked a cloaked figure, a forehead plate reflecting the sun’s rays.

“Not for a few days, brother. You must be patient.” Spoke another cloaked person, the voice deeper than the first.

A third figure stood over the two. “We have to make sure this little alliance doesn’t happen for the sake of the village.” This voice was commanding; the other two shook with anxiety.
“Yes, father, but we want to fest.”
“It will all be over in a few days time, my sons…” Letting out a small, evil laugh. “Besides they won’t know what hit them.

The sons smiled at their father’s words, shaking with pleasure at the thought of spilling blood.
1877 Words

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