Chapter 15- Seizure

Depuis le début

She looked at the ground and smiled, I could tell she was blushing a little bit. I found it adorable, we got to class and she went up to the teacher and asked if I could sit with her. The teacher nodded and said welcome back.

We sat our desks which were in the back and started our lesson, I tried to remember what all this meant, but it was all so confusing. I just sat there clueless on what was going on. I wanted to leave this class. 

It felt like hours till I finally heard the bell ring for second period. When I got up and left I saw Liam waiting by the door for me, I said my goodbyes to Eleanor and headed off to gym with Liam, “well how was Math missy?”

“So confusing, I’m going to fail. I don’t know half the shit we’re talking about. IT MAKES NO SENSE!” I cried in frustration.

“Hey, calm down. It’s okay; we’ll help you with that.”  

I sighed relieved, all of a sudden I felt a little dizzy, but then I felt fine, I just ignored it. I kept walking to class with Liam. When we got there my coach had me sit on the bleachers. I went and sat at the top and watched everyone, I caught people looking at me. I hated being watched, it was embarrassing. 

“I hate you for ditching me in gym.” Liam said jokingly. 

I laughed teasing him; thank god I had Liam in this class. I heard a group of people whispering about me and kept looking over at me. Liam seemed to have noticed too, because he said “take a picture it’ll last longer!” 

They all shut up embarrassed that we noticed. I thanked him for defending me, and then he had to a do a few laps around the track while I sat down. 

Second period past by fast, because before I knew it we were half done lunch, me and Liam met up with the rest of the group in the cafeteria, we all sat down at a table. I sat next to Harry of course; Louis was cracking jokes for all of us. Then I heard everyone stop talking and look by the door, I looked over to see Niall with Zayn. Zayn was helping Niall get some food on his tray; I looked back at everyone not worrying and continued to eat my lunch.

Zayn and Niall came over to our table, “Can we join you lovely people for lunch?” I heard Zayn ask. Niall sort of just hung back nervous. 

“Yeah of course!” I heard Liam and Louis say. 

Zayn slid beside Liam and looked at Niall, “looks like you’ll have to sit beside Sam.” 

Everyone looked at Niall when he said that, Niall looked at me, I moved over to make some more room. Everyone just watched me, kay something was clearly going on I thought. Niall seemed uncomfortable and I could tell Harry was all tense. Every time I looked at Harry he tried forcing me a smile. I could tell he wasn’t happy. 

I heard the bell ring for third period soon afterwards; I left with Danielle and Liam. We went to my locker and got my stuff. When we got to chemistry I stood by the door not knowing where I sat. Danielle pointed next to Niall. 

I was happy I knew someone I sat next to, I went over and sat down beside him. He was staring down at his books and was quiet. I wanted him to say something. I was going to say hi, but then the teacher walked in. “Oh, Sam and Niall! You’re back? Welcome back you two! We’ve missed you.”

I waved shyly, my cheeks burned when everyone turned around to look at me. Niall just continued to look at his book. 

I tried to focus on the lesson but I couldn’t because I was getting confused. Once again nothing made sense; my head began to hurt once again. I tried to ignore the pain, I felt dizzy. I shook my head, it just made things worse. I only had a little while to go before I would be in spare.

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