entry one

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hey future y/n, i just bought this journal so this is my first entry.

-it has been three months since school has started and it's been going great except for the fact that some people in my classes are really annoying but overall it's not too bad. in these three months, i've managed to catch feelings for a boy. wyatt oleff. and my oh my what a boy, he has really curly brownish hair and bright brown eyes, my gosh those eyes, those eyes make me want to stare into them forever but i barely know wyatt. i only have two classes with him, biology and english. from what i've noticed so far he's nice, pretty funny, and really outgoing. okay hear me out, i kind of, sort of, maybe, possibly listen to the conversations he has with other people so i can hear what he talks about but that's not creepy, right? i only do it because first of, i'm shy and i have anxiety soooo i can't talk to him myself, and second of, he doesn't even know me well and i don't know him well either. anyways.. he likes to talk about video games, memes and he likes to give hugs, he stands outside of our english class and he gives out hugs to everyone that is walking in every single day, ever since he started doing that i have said 'no' when he asks if i want a hug, but i really do want those hugs from his strong looking arms. i guess i just don't feel comfortable enough to hug him (yet). i really am falling for him and i haven't even talked to him yet. it's 10 pm and i am here writing this entry because i just bought this journal and i want to write down my feelings and experiences so you (i) can look back on them when you (i) are older, anyways.. it's getting pretty late and i need to sleep because i have school tomorrow. i'll write another entry tomorrow after school."
-end of journal entry-

i finished reading the entry and i looked up from my journal to see wyatt smiling like an idiot.

"god damn, you're so cute wy" i said while my 'heart eyes were showing'

"you are too baby. and i remember always giving out hugs, and i also got sad when you said you didn't want one. because i had a crush on you too, and i thought you hated me but anyways, now you're mine and i love you so much." he said while holding both of my hands.

"wy, i love you to the moon and back, i am so lucky to have such a wonderful amazing caring boyfriend. i love you." i said, almost tearing up. remembering that wyatt was once only my little crush and now he's my boyfriend made me so happy.

wyatt leaned in with my hands in his, and kissed me passionately.

did y'all notice that song reference?
lmao anyways...
i'm so sorry if this is bad, it's my first time actually attempting to make a good story so please be considerate lmao.
i hope you guys are liking it so far!
FUN FACT: the hugging outside of the classroom door is real life (obviously wyatt doesn't do it, but a guy i have a class with does and i think it's cute so why not add it in hA)
feel free to correct me or tell me if i did/wrote something wrong in a comment!

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