Merry Christmas! (Not an actual dare chapter)

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Lillian: HAPPY HOLIDAYS! THIS IS OUT LATE I KNOW. I WAS BUSY. Like, I haven't watched YouTube in ages, busy.

Kat: you must have been super busy!

Lillian: Yeah. ;-;. Well, I was thinking,

Kai: Yeah?

Skylor: What is it?

Lillian: Don't interrupt! As I was saying,

Jay: IS IT PRESENTS? I got a cotton candy machine!

Lillian: I DONT CARE.

Jay: ;-;

Lillian: As I was saying, we are going to do a special Christmas Dare!

The Ninja: WHAAAAAT?

Seliel: Ahhh crap. Also, I'm back! Sorry for missing out!

Lloyd: Naahhhh it's fine. Anyway Lilly, get to the dare.

Lillian: Okay! So I put Dare is to recreate a Christmas song, sentence by sentence! So one person starts, then the next person, so on so on!

Cole: That actually sounds fun!

Zane: Yes. It does!

Nya: Mmmmm hmm. Also, it'll be funny to hear everyone's singing.

Skylor: Awwww I don't wanna sing!

Kai: it's fine! I'm sure you're great at it too!

Kat: I gotta join in too right?

Lillian: Yep! Sorry.

Kat: It's fine. Anyway, can I pick a song?

Everyone else: Sure!

Kat: Okay then! Umm..... Let it Snow!

Lillian: That is a great song!

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've bought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm!
But if you'll really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still goodbying
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!).

Kai: So we gotta make this Ninjago themed?

Lillian: Yeah, that's basically it.

Skylor: Okay! Let's go!

Lillian: Let's go by alphabet! Cole first, then Jay, Kai, Kat, Me, Lloyd, Nya, Pix, Seliel, Sky and the Zane!

Cole: The weather outside is frightful...

Jay: But Kai's Fire is so delightful,

Kai: And since it probably won't snow,


Lillian: Kat isn't showing signs of stopping,

Lloyd: So I got some corn for popping!

Nya: and the street lights are oddly too low,

Pixal: make it snow, make it snow, make it snow!

Seliel: When the ships kiss tonight

Skylor: There will be a shipping storm!

Zane: But we'll all hold each other very tight,

Cole: And Kai's Large ego will make us warm!

Jay: and now we are all goodbying,

Kai: But we all love each other so!


Lillian: woah! I'd say that was great!

Kai: double that!

Skylor: Triple That!

Kat: Quadruple That!

Jay: pentrouple that!

Cole: Jay that's not a word.

Jay: I know!

Lillian: anyway, merry Christmas everyone!

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