Chapter one

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        I don't know where I should start.I feel that if I give you the reason I'm writing this you will be overwhelmed.I also feel though that if I don't you might not remember as quickly as you need to.If it was me reading this ,which I hope it is,I would want to know straight away.Thinking of how you don't know the details I feel that you'd want those first.That's what I'm going to do,but you must promise to read this as quickly as possible and whenever you can.

        First the reason I wrote this is,because your memory is key to many people's survivals.I can feel the body preparing to choose.It's only me and the most angry soul left in here.We don't need to fight though as the body has already chosen although we don't know who it has chosen.It is just giving us time to prepare for the memory lose that will inevitably come.You might be asking yourself why I'm writing this account to jog your memories.Well as I've said before I made a commitment to myself and others that I had to remember.This journal is what I thought would work best.

        Do you want the small memories or the big picture.Since I couldn't ask you I've decided to do the week leading up to this point.This is my last day before I become you the one without memories.From now on You will be reading what happened from my first person view.

June 21

        "Try to not act crazy today...Kay?" My sister pushed her hair away from her face which was caked in way too much make up.She also had on a very obnoxiously bright red lip gloss making her look like one of those actresses who plays the snobby high school girls in about every teen movie.She even had the "typical" blonde hair and was chewing and blowing bubbles with her gum.Sometimes her sterotypicalness made me want to barf all over her which in my opinion would be an improvement."Riley Pay.Attention.To.Me."

        "No I won't and thanks for being such a caring and supportive sister.If you had a disorder like me i'd totally push you away to the gutter to make myself look better."I pushed her and she stumbled back into a group of kids with a look of surprise and hurt on her face."Oh don't give me that bull shit Erin."I turned away and pushed my way through a group of kids looking at me as if I was there worst enemy for touching their queen bee.

        I ignored the hurtful words thrown my way as I walked away and went straight to my first period which was Algebra.I sat in the middle of the back row and threw my backpack onto the desk next to me.I spent the next half hourreading as I waited for school to start and when the bell did ring I was tempted to get up and leave.The teacher wouldn't car nor would the principal,because everyone in this school looked at me like I was a crazy freak.

        I stayed though ,because I knew once I "got better" I would need the grades.I couldn't just flunk cause nobody else was like me I had to try and have a semblance of a normal life.Even if my highschool experience would never get better after highschool I could act normal cause I finally would be.

        Anyhow back to Algebra class,I had finally put down the book and pulled out and notebook and my favorite pen.As I started to copy down the radicals on the board I noticed a new guy standing at the teachers desk talking to him.As he turned around we mae eye contact and I put my notebook up to my face faking fear.If I didn't people would just beat me up,well more than they normally would.

        Lost in my thoughts about how cruel everyone else was I failed to notice what the whole class had and what they had all gasped at even the teacher.Once I set down my notebook I saw everyone looking at me and...the new kid sitting in the desk to the left of me.This was so odd and out of place,because no one ever sat next to me,even teachers didn't make people sit or work with me.

        There he was though,sitting next to me and doing the work on the board completely ignoring the stares.Two minutes later the sound of the door opening made everyone snap out of it and turn to look at the door where another stranger waited.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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