Chapter Thirteen...Suddenly Not Feeling Well

Start from the beginning

"I understand everything hun...I am very sorry" he said putting a hand on my cheek.

"Do you think there's something wrong with him? Something very serious" I asked.

"I don't think so, but we won't know untill you get a call" he answered.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" I asked calmly.

"Of course, for as long as you want me too" he answered kissing me softly.

"How's forever?" I asked opening my eyes and looking at him.

He smiled and kissed me again, then helped me upstairs and too my room. I fell onto the bed and fell asleep a few moments later, Kyle sitting in a chair in my room by the window. About a half hour later I felt his arms wrap around me, as his legs pressed up againsted mine. I smiled and stayed asleep, knowing that now he was beside me. I could feel the warmth of his hands around mine and it felt good. 

I woke up a couple minutes after, with tears in my eyes. Kyle moved his arms tighter around me and leaned up on his elbow, laying over me "Chloe are you having a bad dream?"

"Umm no....I'm ok" I mummbled and turned over on my back and faced him. 

"Then why are you crying?" he asked wiping my tears away.

"Because the dream was so was about my father. What happened today....that's not a dream if it really happened" I replied.

"He's still alive Chloe, and nothing is going to happen. I promise" he said wrapping an arm around my waist.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"I just have a feeling everything will be ok" he replied kissing my cheek.

"You have a special know that" I said slightly blushing.

"Oh do I know" he replied.

"Of cheering me up...Most people can't cheer me up, but you seem to be able too" I said smiling.

"I guess I just know you well enough to understand how to cheer you up" he replied.

"You are the first guy I've been this close to" I said sitting up.

"I wish I wasn't a player when you first meet me" he replied also sitting up, pulling me into his lap.

"Why's that?" I asked a little bit confused.

"Because I wasn't proud of being who i was before. I don't even know how it happened, I just slept with a girl and then another and on and on. I tried so hard to stop but I never could, till you came around. I think it's beacause when I first saw you, something happy went into my heart. Also connected to the power to control who I was before. You made me who I am today" he answered playing with my hair.

I giggled and slightly blushed "It can't be all because of me. It was also because of you. You set your heart and mind to me and you made the changed who you were for me. And now look what we are....were stronger than anything" 

"Do you know how much I love you?" he said calmly.

"I love you a lot too" I replied smiling.

"Do you want to come over tonight, to my apartment. I can make dinner for us and even have some fun" he said winking at me.

"What kind of fun were you thinking?" I replied back smiling.

"I can't tell, it's a surprise. I'll see you tonight around 7. I have to go pick up some stuff" he said standing up and walking downstairs to the front door. I followed him, giving him a goodbye kiss. He opened the door and walked away, waving goodbye to me. I slightly waved back and then closed the door and watched some tv in my room. 

I constantly thought about what he was planning to do tonight and then I got a very good idea. I know I am only 16, but I kinda wanna do something special with him. Something that involves, well invloves um I can't really say it right now. I guess I still need to think about it, but I have till 7 so. Maybe I'll even pick something up for him at the store, something very special.


I walked to a ring store and up to the counter. The lady looked at me and then grabbed a sheet of paper and looked at me again "Hello Sir, how may I help you today?" 

"I'm looking for the perfect engagement ring for my girlfriend" I said calmly.

The lady looked at me kinda strangly then said something "How old are you?"

"Well I'm 17 and she's 16" I answered.

"And you wanna get engaged" she replied.

"Please just help me find a ring. I want a nice diamond silver ring" I said.

I spent an hour at the store, trying to find the perfect ring. After finally picking one, I paid for it and for the little black box that it came in. I put it into my jacket pocket and left the store, walking to my apartment. I had to start preparing to cook dinner for Chloe and I tonight. I was thinking of making chicken stir fry with peppers and rice. I really hope she likes it, I was also thinking of talking to my mom before Chloe comes over, telling her what I was planning for tonight. 

I hung my jacket up in my closet, making sure I knew where it was for later when I need it. I reached into the pocket of the jacket and pulled out the rin again, walking over to the mirror in my bedroom. I opened the box and looked at the ring then spoke to myself "Forever starts tonight...."

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