Part 34

1K 31 41

2D winced at the flashback.
"You don't like being called that do you?" Russel asked, feeling bad.

No you don't. Kill him.
Put him out of his misery.

"His misery?"
"What?" Russel asked, confused.

You have no idea what he goes through.
He's in a gang, bet you didn't know that.
What do you think he does when he's not looking
After noodle?
He's dealing drugs!
And he thinks your bad!
Do you know why it's causing him misery? Because he was told that
If he ever wanted to leave, they would shoot him in the temple.
So kill him. Put him out if it.

"Oh-oh my god! I will! I'm going to kill him!"
"Stuart what are you talking about?" Russel asked nervously.
"How would noodle feel if she found out about your little gang? And the drugs? Drug dealers don't deserve to have a place on this earth, you know."
Russel jumped up in fear.
"Listen I don't know how you found out, but tell noodle and I will kill you."
"Not if I kill you first!" 2D exclaimed and ran into the kitchen. Russel ran to catch up with him.
"2D what's that?"
"It's what killed my hopes and dreams. I'm sure it's capable of killing you as well."
He took a step closer the the gang member.
"Because I'm one step closer the the edge....and I'm about to.....BREAK!"

If you get that linkin park reference marry me

Stuck In A Mad Man [[2doc]]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora