"I wonder if the power is back on at our place?" Ivy wondered, pulling up the Georgia Power app on her phone as they headed back into the living room.

"It's late, even if it is you two need to just stay here tonight," Nick looked out the window at the snow-covered ground. "There's probably a good 8 inches on the ground already and it's still coming down."

They all agreed that it was safest to stay put until daylight. Atlanta usually did not handle snow very well, and no one except for Nick had lived anywhere up north where there was more frequent snowfall.

The four of them watched a movie, no one sleepy as they had all napped while the power was off and then went outside on the balcony once the sun started to come up, each holding a warm mug of coffee in their hands. They looked out over The Battery and Suntrust Park, the sun making the snow glitter like thousands of diamonds.

Ender moved so that he was standing behind Ivy, pulling her back to his chest and wrapping the blanket that he was wrapped in around both of them. He leaned forward so that his cheek rested against hers, smiling as she turned to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She took in all the decorations she had put out, the snow an unplanned but perfect addition. The snow was still coming down and she reached her hand out to try and catch a few flakes.

"Yes, it sure is," Ender said, nuzzling his cold nose into her neck and causing her to squeal. He looked over to Nick who had been watching him while the girls were distracted by the snow, a smirk appearing on his face. He knew Ender didn't mean the snow. He had been looking at Blair admiring the snow and he knew that was exactly what Ender had been doing as well. Both the boys turned back to look at the snow for a little longer before they all ran back instead and straight to the fireplace when their coffee was empty, all of their toes frozen and their cheeks and noses rosy red.


"I've never ice skated before!" Ivy leaned over to lace up her boots a few days later, watching as Ender stepped on the ice and glided a few feet.

"Me either...but this feels okay. Hurry up!" Ender held out his hand, hurrying Ivy along. He knew she was nervous to ice skate, he was too although he couldn't tell her why. It was the offseason and he was training hard every morning, always intent on being better than he was last season. The last thing he needed was a broken ankle from trying to impress a girl while ice skating.

Ivy stepped out onto the ice and cautiously pushed off the wall, gliding to Ender. It wasn't as hard as she had imagined, so far.

"How do I stop?" she giggled as she realized she was about to run into Ender and couldn't stop. She bumped into Ender who was ready and waiting with open arms, wrapping them around her when she got to him. "Thank you."

Ender grabbed her hand and they took off, Enderlooking around the deserted ice rink that had been built at The Battery. Most of Atlanta was still inside, the snowfall being more than they had planned for. The roads were a mix of slush and ice and many people, Blair and Ivy included, were still without power. The girls had stayed in the guest bedroom the last few days.

He was thankful for the emptiness of the rink. No one to recognize him made hiding his secret easier. He had thought about telling Ivy a few times but the time never seemed right.

"Look!" Ivy pointed to the side of the rink where they now had some visitors. "Some other people had the same idea."

Ender squinted at the people entering the rink, recognizing them instantly. Lane Adams and Luke Jackson were skating towards them after clearly having recognized Ender.

"Hey, hold on a second, okay?" Ender let go of Ivy's hand and leaned over to kiss her quickly. "These are some friends of mine, I have been meaning to ask them something personal and just haven't gotten the chance."

"Okay!" Ivy waved at the two guys Ender skated towards and then headed towards a bench on the side of the rink, pulling her phone out of her pocket to text Blair. She had agreed to have lunch with Nick that day and Ivy wanted to make sure her friend was okay.

"Who is that?" Lane asked, peering around Ender at the pretty girl sitting on the bench. "You're not going to introduce us?"

"No, I will. I just...I have a small favor to ask first." Ender explained the situation, hoping that the two guys would understand where he was coming from.

"Dude, that's not right," Lane said, admiring the girl from afar. "Maybe she ought to just date someone that would be honest with her....like me."

"Don't even think about it, Lane." Ender rolled his eyes. Lane always was trying to compete with him, in everything, and Ender wasn't really interested in it. "I am going to tell her, I just have to find the right moment and all I'm asking is that you two keep it to yourself for now."

Ender waited until he was sure he could trust the two guys before motioning for Ivy to come over. "Guys, this is Ivy. Ivy, these are two friends of mine, Lane and Luke."

Lane took Ivy's hand in his and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing the top of her hand before letting it go. "It's nice to meet you, Ivy."

Ender rolled his eyes, thankful when Ivy wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him, winking to let him know she saw through Lane. "It's nice to meet you, how do you know Ender?"

"Just met through mutual friends," Luke cut Lane off before he could open his mouth, unsure of what he would say. When Lane saw something he wanted, he often went full force ahead until he got it, not caring who or what was in the way. Ender was a good guy and deserved a good girl, and Luke didn't want to mess that up for him.

The four of them exchanged small talk and Ender was ready to be done. Lane had an attitude and he was over it. Ivy noticed it too. Lane had smart remarks to everything Ender said and rolled his eyes a few times. She could tell Ender was getting irritated by Lane, so she slid her arms around him, letting her hand snake up under his jacket and shirt in a moment of bravery, letting her cold hand graze over his abs. He looked down in surprise at her boldness and smiled, thankful for the reassuring touch.

"Let's go back inside and warm up," she suggested, pulling Ender down to kiss him. "I'm ready to go."

Ender led Ivy off the rink after they all exchanged goodbyes, ignoring Lane when he assured Ivy that they would see each other again. The guy didn't know when to stop, but Ender had all the reassurance from Ivy that he needed.

"What's his problem?" she asked, looking back at the rink as they walked back towards the condo, making plans to have tomato soup and grilled cheese for a late lunch.

"Ignore him, he's is just always trying to stir up trouble." Ender pulled her into his side, dropping a kiss on top of her head. "Don't let him bother you."

"Oh, he's the last thing on my mind." She waited as Ender unlocked the door, running her hands up under his shirt again like she had done at the ice rink, her cold hands making him take a sharp breath in. "You know what is on my mind though?"

"What?" Ender threw his keys down on the foyer table, turning to pull her into his arms, thankful that Blair and Nick were gone so they could enjoy their last few hours alone until life went back to "normal". The power was supposed to be restored at the girl's house by that evening.

"Finishing what we started in the kitchen the night the power went off......before Nick interrupted us."

"That we can do, Ivy Noel." He took her face in his hands, leaning down and brushing his lips against hers. "That we can do."

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