19: Girls' Night Out

Start from the beginning

"You look good, girly!"

She grins. "Thanks, Sadie. And thanks for letting me borrow your sweater."

"Anytime, kid."

"Are you two ready? The cab is waiting out front." Nat's impatient to get out of the tower. I don't really blame her. She doesn't get out much these days, it seems. She hasn't even been on a mission all month.

"Don't get your leather knickers in a twist. We're right behind ya."

"Don't sass me, Cupcake." She playfully glares at me while we step outside into the brisk New York evening air.

"Cupcake? That's a new one. I like it," Wanda laughs.

It turns out Wanda also likes vodka shots. I have to physically restrain her from taking more than three at our first bar of the night. Us three ladies dance, drink, and laugh for almost two hours at that spot before Nat suggests we go to the next. The second place is much jazzier and uppity than the first sports bar. I get myself a warm cup of coffee with a splash of Kahlua and Nat opts for whiskey on the rocks. Again, Wanda wants vodka. Somehow I manage to convince her to order a martini instead. Thankfully she doesn't get too much drunker by midnight.

"Do you think we should've invited Pepper? She lives at the tower too, ya know." I take another slurp of coffee and curse as I spill a bit on my lap.

Nat passes me a cloth napkin from where she's stolen it back behind the bar. "No, she's not much fun these days. Besides, she doesn't technically live at the tower."

Wanda hiccups. "She doesn't?"

"Not anymore. I think it's better for her and Stark's relationship if they live apart." Nat shrugs, but seems to know more. If she does, she never says. "Speaking of relationships," she hums and I groan aloud. "How are you and Barnes doing, Cupcake?"

"We're uh, good." I take another drink to avoid going on.

"Have you slept together yet?" Wanda jumps straight to the point.

I laugh and run a hand through my hair. "Um, actually we haven't..."

"I'm not surprised," Nat comments.

I blink—taking in the sight of her as she finishes her second drink at this bar. She sets it down on the preexisting wet ring on the countertop. "Why's that, Nat?"

"The man's got a lot of issues, which I'm sure you already know." I remain quiet so she goes on. "Honestly I'm surprised he's in a relationship so soon. He's been unfrozen for about a year now, and doing a lot better, but it's still hard to keep up those things with all of the issues that come along with the lifestyle." She traces the rim of her empty glass with a pinky finger, smirking at me sideways. "He must really be in deep for you, kid. I don't think there's another woman on this earth he'd be this way for. And trust me—I know Bucky Barnes."

I smile a bit. "Well, I think it's safe to say that the feeling is mutual if that's the case."

"Do you love him?"

"My god, Wanda! Nosey much?" I laugh.

Wanda ignores me. She's grinning ear-to-ear. "Oh you're totally in love. Don't even have to say it! I know."

"It's because you can read minds, asshole."

"I don't need to read your mind to know that you're head over heels in love with Bucky. It's very obvious." She nods and Nat chuckles to my other side. "I think everyone in the tower knows."

"You didn't deny it," Nat hums. I'm blushing when I realize she's right—I skipped right over the part of the conversation where I was supposed to tell Wanda she was wrong and that I wasn't in love. But I couldn't do that. I'm a terrible liar, remember?

"Aww sweet little Sadie..." Wanda coos and pinches my cheek. I push her off of me and we all laugh about it.

"Come on, lovebird. I'm tired of talking. We need to dance." Nat drags us away from the bar with only her words and eager stare. Wanda and I hurry to catch up with her on the dancefloor. From there we dance and laugh like idiots, Nat having the easiest fun-time I've ever seen, for another hour at least. Eventually I have to hurry off to the bathroom to pee because of all the coffee. While in the brightly lit, ceramic tiled place I decide to check my phone. I set it out on the counter next to me while I wash my hands and then fix my messy hair. I've got a few missed texts. I decide to just read through them all quickly to make sure it's nothing important.

Laurie: Girl you'll never BELIEVE WHO I JUST FOUND ON FACEBOOK!!! Remember that dumb bitch Hannah from high school?! SHE MARRIED MR. MARX! THE GODDAMN ENGLISH TEACHER!! I'M. DEAD.

Bekah: Hey sis! Call me when you can. I wanna talk and catch up XOXO

Laurie: Oh bridesmaid dress fittings are on Tuesday! Don't forget.

James: Text me if you need anything tonight. I'm going out with Steve and Sam. Have a fun time, babe.

Laurie: Why aren't you texting me back?? Are you with Bucky??? Tell me you're using a condom, at least.

Laurie: Dear god, please be using a condom.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Who the hell do you think you are? Do you think you're going to be able to get away with this shit? Don't think you can fucking get away with whoring yourself around without some sort of consequence. If I see one more picture of you on the news with that Nazi guy, I'm going to call my lawyers and take every goddamn thing you own and love away from you. I hope you've enjoyed your time being a lazy slut in NYC because when I'm done with you you're going to wish you decided to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge before crossing over it.

My heart's gone from light and airy to absolutely cold. The fingers around my smartphone tighten as the picture of the words on screen becomes blurred in front of my eyes.

I thought I blocked his number. I thought—I didn't think I'd ever get a text like this again...

I'm just about to break down in a panic attack when another text pops through.

UNKNOWNNUMBER: Oh, and by the way, this is your father.

Recipe for Romance: A Bucky Barnes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now