10: Popping the Question

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Christmas always comes and goes far too fast for my liking. But this year the festivities are over in double the dreaded speed of a happy time. I can hardly blink before it's all over and I'm walking back into the Tower from my airport cab parked on the curb. I've got a bag over my shoulder and another filled with presents from my mom, sister, and sister in law trailing behind me.

It's the New Year. Stark had a party while I was gone. I can't say that I'm sad to have missed it. Parties aren't exactly my idea of a, well, of a party.

My apartment upstairs is just how I left it for the most part. Then I notice that I've been left some presents on my kitchen counter—a dozen of them, at least. I chuckle to myself while the door falls shut behind me. I make my way to the display of pretty things. I settle down onto a chair before starting with the first of them. The first is from Steve. It's cheesy as hell and makes me laugh; the patriotic kitchen apron has a big blue bow at the back and red stripes down the skirt. Nat's given me two things, actually. We told each other that we'd give the other a copy of our favorite book for the holiday. It seems that she couldn't quite decide, because there are two separately wrapped novels waiting for me with blood red bows. The first is called Lolita, the second titled Ubik. I smile while reading her little note to me that says I've got to read Lolita first because she knows I'll like it more. To go along with her gift Clint's made me a thin metallic bookmark. It's the shape of an arrow, of course, and dipped in what looks to be real gold. Real fucking gold! I'll be damned.

I'm slightly surprised to see Bruce has gotten me something as well. He's pretty quiet, but he's very kind. His gift is quite advanced. It's a little metal placard that can fit into a wallet and be brought anywhere in a pocket. The letter says you just use it to take a small sample of whatever food dish has been presented to you, then it analyzes it and reports all of the ingredients and cooking directions. He says he got the idea when I'd been ranting one evening about not having the permission to get some of Chef Dupont's most famous recipes for my own private use.

Smiling, I set Bruce's gift aside. Then I see that I've gotten two from Pepper and one from Tony. I nearly gasp when I open Pepper's. She's gotten me the loveliest winter ensemble. The first is a pearly pink Dolce and Gabbana cashmere sweater. The next—dear lord, I'm going to faint—is the most gorgeous pair of shoes I've ever seen. The nude heels are signature Christian Louboutin's. I think I'm going to have a heart attack holding them. Like a freak I hurry to put them on and then squeal when I find that they are a perfect fit.

"Oh I love my life."

I dreamily set the shoes back in their box to be used for only the most special occasions.

Tony's Christmas present to me nearly rivals the shoes though. I gasp when I open the big box.

It's thousands and thousands of dollars of European chocolates.

The card reads, "Here ya go, kiddo. Go crazy."

I'm shaking. I pluck out one at random. Biting down, I find that it's filled with velvety pistachio cream. It's silken green goodness that oozes out of the bitter dark chocolate shell with a pleasing crunch.

"Oh my god," I moan. I close my eyes and lounge back against the counter. In doing so, my shoulder rams into an unopened box. This one's from Vision.

Vision got me something? Now that's sort of unexpected. I've gotten him something, of course, but I just didn't expect him to return the notion.

But he has, and he's gifted me a framed picture for my room. It's a picture he'd taken of Wanda, Laurie and me the other night on the rooftop. Pietro's given me one of three movie tickets to see the new Star Wars at the midnight screening with him and Wanda next month. Peter found an old Jurassic park T-shirt at a second hand store for me; it looks vintage, even. Sweet Wanda gave me a new set of fuzzy pajamas and a nail polish color to match—saying in her card that we could paint them during our next slumber party. Sam's gift is a baseball cap with the phrase TEAM FALCON slapped on the front and a hundred dollar gift card to our favorite donut shop around the corner.

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