"you do know your going the wrong way" james called out, frustrated I turned around "what do you want?" I asked

"Nothing I just wanted to help you get back to your room I mean you just started the school I really don't think you know your way around yet" he stated smirking a little.

Now to think about James is kind of hot he had the whole prince charming look with blond hair blue eyes that looked like the deepest part of the sea, his eyes makes you feel as though he can see into your soul and knows every secret you hold the uniform he was wearing actually made him even hotter the white shirt was slightly tight emphasizing his pac's that you can see his tie wasn't tied on properly and was just hanging down his neck.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" James voice brought me out of the daze I was in blushing I looked at anywhere but him "pfft like I'd be staring at you" I lied.

"How about you give me a tour around the school might as well have it now I don't have anything to do" I told him

"Alrighty then let's start of with the library were nearest to it now" he said as we turned the corner.

The library was the biggest library ever I have ever seen, Books were piled from the bottom all the way to the top and the top wasn't as near as it seemed you actually needed to climb two flights of stairs to get the books at the top.

"Wow" I breathed in awe it seemed like we were in a never ending book world there books literally everywhere. The floor was actually books opened with sayings written in it from famous authors from Shakespeare, Charles Dickinson to JK Rowling and Stephanie Meyer.

" I don't know why her quotes is next to the best writers ever" he said in disbelief.

"Oi don't diss Stephanie she created Mr I'm so fine Jacob" I told him.

But seriously if this library was human I'd freaking kidnap it and hide it in my bedroom that's how much I love it I mean seriously this is a book lovers heaven.

"This is so freaking awesome" I squealed happily

"Yeah well the best place is yet come." He told me as he literally dragged me out the library.

"The computer room is there nothing special bunch of computers in a room not all that" he said pointing at a room.

"The cafeteria is here, best place to pig out honestly there's every single food you can think of here, its a food sanctuary for me" he said as his eyes had a faraway look like he was thinking of happy things which seems to be food.

"Yeah yeah please don't tell me this is the best to come because if it is I will kill you for dragging me out of heaven " I looked at him through narrowed eyes.

"If your calling the library heaven you seriously need to get out more, but no it aint this is where most of the student hang out its the games room" he said whilst opening the door.

Entering the room I was once again spellbound the room was absolutely amazing any other teenager in the world's mouth would be watering as everything you'd ever want to play there was a 29inch tv on the wall I mean seriously. 29inch? Never knew that was even sold.

I felt uncomfortable as the loud laughter people joking and talking died down as me and James walked past each person the way the looked at me was what surprised me the most they looked at me as though I was the worst person on earth I felt as though I did something to them something so unforgivable that I shouldn't be allowed to breathe as I walked past them they started whispering. but not quiet enough for me to hear them.

You Had Me At HelloNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ