Truth Or Dare

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Juby POV:

"Okay, Kura, Truth or Dare?" Kura looked thoughtful for a minute, but both options are pretty bad, Rachie is great at thinking up devilish dares and terrifying truths. She is also great at pretty much everything she does, she's beautiful, kind, smart, in fact, the only thing she can't do is tell when someone is crushing on her....

ANYWAY!! Kura said truth, so I wanna see what Rachie comes up with. "Tell us who your crush is"
Oh why? Why didn't I get that truth? I'm too scared to confess, that would have been perfect!

"E-Erm" please don't be me, or Rachie. "A-Anthong" hehehe the ships!!! "Kyaaaaaaa" "Squeeeeee" Rachie and I both let out excited ~yaoi~ fangirl squeals at the same time, then look at each other and laugh.

"S-So, I believe it's Kura's turn to ask someone now?" Oh my gosh, Anthong is blushing like crazy!!
"O-okay" God, these two are blushing, stuttering messes now.
Am I this bad when I talk to Rachie? Shoot! Did I blush when we covered Magnet?

"A-Anthong, Truth or D-dare?" This may or may not be getting funnier and cuter every second...
"Er, d-dare please?"
"Okay" Kura is whispering to Rachie, I'm sure that's cheating to be helping him!
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Kura just do it already!!"
Do what?
"A-alright, Anthong, I dare you to-" What? WHAT??
"What?" Nice to see someone has the same opinion as me.
"T-to" Oh stop chickening out Kura!
I whisper to Rachie: "What was his dare?"
"He was gonna dare Anthong to kiss him"
"I-I dare y-you to k-k-"

Hmmm, was I too loud? Everyone is looking at me... but then Anthong and Kura kiss! Yay!! I was shipping them the entire time!
I look at the messages pouring in, I almost forgot we were streaming. "Everyone ships you guys!"
Rachie, stop looking over my shoulder please! Too close!
"Yeah... They do."

Anthong quickly says "Rachie! Truth or dare?"
She giggles and says "hmmm, DARE!" Anthong and Kura are conferring in the corner. I'm still sure it's against the rules to confer.

"Okay, Rachie! I noticed there were a lot of comments in the stream shipping Kura and me, and also shipping you and Juby." Oh god! Oh god ohgodohgod! "So, repeat the exact sentence that started that ship"
Rachie looks mortified. "I-I'm Juby's girlfriend" then hides herself under a blanket.

I'm blushing like crazy, I can feel it, so to avoid teasing, I try and hide myself in a blanket also. I had the bad ~good?~ luck to choose the one that Rachie was hidden in... one loud sound of two people falling off a beanbag later I was lying on the ground, with Rachie on top of me! To close!! ~hindsight, choosing the blanket Rachie was under was good luck~

Maybe if I close my eyes, she will think I'm unconscious, and get off me herself, because I don't want this to stop! Oh shoot! My nose is bleeding! It is justified, she is very hot... I'm actually feeling kinda dizzy...

Rachie POV

Holy cow I'm lying on Juby! HOLY COW I'M LYING ON JUBY! EEP! Should I get off? I don't want to though!! Our trash version of Magnet keeps running through my head
"Top or bottom, that's not the problem, how did this come up again?
Hosting a livestream on Google Hangouts with our two best friends, Everything was going so smoothly right until I messed it up, 'Hey, I'm Juby's girlfriend' I said and broke the comment box"

But that's not a mistake I regret till today, because I know I'm in love. I don't think she likes me back though... does she? I mean she's not shoved me off her yet... but I'm probably being crazy. Wait.. she isn't moving... she is breathing though.

I stand and gently shake her. "Juby, are you okay? JUBY?" Oh no! "GUYS! I THINK JUBY KNOCKED HERSELF OUT ON THE FLOOR!" Kura checks her quickly. "She is unconscious alright, and her nose is bleeding! Anthong, phone an ambulance." He ends the livestream quickly.

Time Skip Brought To You By [Rachie Noises] {Nya Kawaii Desu Desu}

I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room with the others, waiting to see if Juby is going to be okay.
Apparently she is suffering from extreme blood loss.

"You may see her now." Omg! "Is she awake?" Please don't let her hate me! "Not yet."

We file in and sit by Juby's bed. I take one of her hands in mine. "Juby, please be okay! I'm really sorry about all that, and I keep blaming myself! I also think I need to tell you this, because I want you to know. I love you! And I-" I shut up when Juby's eyes open because I don't know if she hates me or not.

"R-Rachie?" "Yes? I'm here Juby" "You will probably hate me for this but I need to tell you: I love you, and I'm gay for you, not just as a friend" Is she really quoting the trash version of Magnet here? "I-I love you too, Juby, you remember our Christmas Jingle Bells cover? When I said 'I have everything I need right here' I didn't mean my Netflix subscription! And when I said 'I have depression and crave death' The only thing that keeps me going is you! I love you, JubyPhonic"

"And I love you, SplendiferousRachie"

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