Chapter 2: The First Day Of High School, Part 2!

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Phillip looked at Theodosia, then Angelica, Theodosia seemed alright but he nearly killed her so he decided to leave her alone, so he sat next to Angelica.
"Hey.." Phillip said, smiling at her
Angelica smiled back. "Hey, hows your day been?"
Phillip shrugged "well it's been like 4 hours and I've already almost murdered the senators daughter"
"So I've heard" Angelica said through bites of her sandwich.
"Today can't get any crazier" Phillip sighed "I mean, what kind of school has 4 flights of stairs and doesn't even let you use the elevator! I wish I was in middle school again already.."
Angelica listened to his problems and woes for awhile, then they just talked about life for awhile. Eventually the bell rang and they went their separate ways.
  During his walk to 5th Hour everything changed. He was by his locker when he suddenly heard bells ringing and the sprinklers went off. He made his way to the fire escape, assuming it was a fire drill, while everyone else ran out of the front exit. He was walking down the 4 flights of stairs as usually when suddenly-
"Hey" a girl said behind him. He yelled and jumped slightly, turning around quickly and almost losing his balance. It was just Theo. She smiled at him

  "I guess we're one of the few logical people in this entire school who actually went out the fire exit"
They continued walking down the stairs, talking about their day so far and theorizing what happened and if someone set a fire. Eventually they walked outside and met up with the rest of their classmates. It turned out some crazy kid named Richard set a fire in the computer lab, so they just decided to send the kids home early since it was 1:00 and they didn't have anything to do. And so Phillip's first of school ended with the school in flames, but at least he made a new friend, Theodosia. She seemed pretty cool. However the elementary and middle school were fine so only the high schoolers were released early, in other words, Phillip would be the first person home besides maybe Alexander (Eliza was a teacher at the elementary school, so she usually didn't get home until around 4:00)  he'd have the entire house to himself.
He sat on the bus, with Theo sitting next to him. "Hey.." she said. They talked about their day. Eventually they reached her neighborhood. But before she left she handed Phillip a piece of paper, then walked off the bus. He decided he would look at the piece of paper later.

When Phillip got home he noticed his dads car was in the driveway. "Oh well" he thought to himself. He liked his Dad, he pulled out his spare key and unlocked the door. "DAD! IM HOME!" He yelled, no response. "DAD?" He yelled once more. He looked around. He wasn't on the first floor, he must have been in his room. He walked up the stairs, he couldn't help but feel nervous, something felt terribly wrong.  He slowly approached his dads room, put his hand on the knob to the door, and opened it.

Inside was his dad, sitting next to some girl with dark skin and a blood red dress. Phillip dropped his binder. They were kissing.
"Phillip?!" Alex yelled.
Phillip ran down the stairs and out of his house.
Phillip ran, away from the house, away from his dad and that.. girl.. he realized he was still clutching the piece of paper Theo gave him, he unfolded it and read what was written on it.
"518-555-2617" -I don't know if that's a real number if someone could let me know if that's an actual person I'll change it, I'm really busy right now so I can't call it myself-
He pulled out his phone. He had to tell someone about this..

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