sanskar annoyed over swara

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hi guys so let's begin

pls comment guys and criticisms are always welcomed

no proof reading

Next day morning

Sanlak and rags,isha went to viren and jeevika 's house
Sanskar:hi guys(his eye are searching someone and found sitting in dinning table and working in laptop)
Viren:hi buddy.
Jeevika:hi welcome all
Isha:hi bhabhi
Viren :guys me and jeevika are going out for some get together we'll come back soon
Isha:okay come soon
Isha:see there miss attitude is sitting (pointing towards swara)
Rags:isha don't say anything about her we are at the fault okay
Isha:yes but we said sorry right,okay let us go and talk to her what say guys
Sanskar:yes yes come come we will go (he squeals in joy)
All looked at him amusingly

Sanskar : what are you seeing guys? Come let's go
At Dinning,swara was sitting and working in laptop and she had headphones like wireless Bluetooth which cannot be seen. All came towards here
Isha:hi !what's your name?what are doing ?why are you living here ?hey you
But our swara was doing her work with utmost concentration and she didn't lift her head
Isha:hey look here we are sorry yaar.
Swara:no response
Laksh (whispers to ragini and sanskar):I think she is deaf and dumb yaar
Isha lost her cool and went from there angrily .sanlak and ragini don't know wat to do so went behind her to cool her down
Isha: what the hell she thinks of herself ?so attitude .i'm asking sorry from her but she is not even giving a single look to me .how much attitude she has ?she was saying all these things in single breathe
Sanskar:atleast take your breathe
Isha:I'll not talk to her hereafter.what ever happens!
Ragini:may be she is busy in her work or something
Laksh:what ragini why are you taking her side always
Ragini:this is the problem guys you always think unidirectionally .
Sanskar:let's leave this topic .
Isha:I'll just go to washroom and come

After sometime viren and jeevika arrived and swara went outside for some very important work
Isha:bhabhi shall I ask you one thing?
Jeevika:ofcourse dear
Isha:that miss attitude why she is staying here?do you know her personally
Jeevika:(become confused)who is miss attitude?
Sanskar:she is saying your paying guest
Jeevika(glare her):isha why are you calling her miss attitude ?
Sanskar:wo kya hain na bhabhi he tells about the thing happened in the morning
Jeevika:but she is a very good yaar
Isha:bhabhi how many years she is staying here?
Jeevika:I think 6 months 
Isha:bhabhi did you ever saw her room ?
Jeevika:no .why are you asking this?
Isha:because her room is locked that's why I asked
Jeevika:yes she has her own room key and house key also.
Sanskar:how do you know it isha?
Isha:wo when I was coming from washroom I saw her going out so thought to open it okay leave it
Isha:I mean you didn't even see her room for once
Isha:what bhabhi how can you be like this much careless
Jeevika:what are you saying isha say clearly
Isha:I think you should check her room once because what if she is some terrorist or a thief or a sleepercells bhabhi.may be she has some gun or even some bomb
Viren:from where did you get these things in your mind isha
Isha:bhai this is not the joke time .we should not see external appearance and say it
Viren: how can you be so strong
Isha: I'l give you example see laksh he is like innocent type wala look but actually he is not(for this laksh passes a deathly glare)she is not giving you key and she is not even talking to any of us .this proves it right
Jeevika:ya may be she is correct and you know what she doesn't even comes to breakfast?
Isha:see bhabhi I told you right
Viren:what if it is wrong?
Isha: okay. What if she doesn't keep the room clean and tidy
Jeevika:now what should I do ?
Isha:simple bhabhi you have a extra key right open the door and let's see it
Ragini:this is wrong yaar.what if she comes?
Isha:nothing is wrong in this world.and bhabhi is the owner so she has the right to check.bhabhi come let's go and others who are interests can come
All are standing before swara room and they opened it what they saw is


The room is so neat and beautifully maintained and there was nothing which made them to have bad  impression on her
After sometime they came to hall and at that swara came and all  got relieved
Jeevika:oh my god she keeps the room as such  clean as such like i I gave  her before one year
Ragini;see I told you right she is really good
Isha doesn't know what to speak
Sanskar was out of the world for some time and was thinking something very deeply .and all of them went bidding bye to each other

At mm
All the family members are sitting in the dining table at that time sanlak came
Dp:sanskar  it's time to settle down in your life
Sanakar:dad I need some time time dad pls give me
Dp:okay I'll give you six months .if not within six months you have to marry the girl whom I choose for you
Sanskar:yes dad
After dinner ,in dadaji's room
Dadaji:sanskar when you are going to bring our daughter-in -law in this house
Sanskar:very soon dadaji
Dadaji:saying this only everytime
Dadi:what both you are talking
Sanskar:nothing dadi
Dadi:saying lie to your dadi.but whatever your dadaji said is right only beta
Sanskar:how did you know dadi ?
Dadi:it's magic.okay leave about it say me when you are going to bring dil for our house
Sanskar:very soon
Dadaji:tell me how ur bride wanna be
Sanakar:(teases dadaji)I want her to be like my dadi and my mom
Dadaji:then you wanna be puppet or a slave right
Dadaji:see me I'm like a puppet to your dadi
Sanskar laughs for this but dadi throwing daggers to dadaji
Sanskar:okay let me go before the fight starts.good night dadaji and dadi
Dadaji&dadi:good night beta

Next day
Asusual swara went to office and all others are this day went
At night 11 pm ,
When swara was returning from office in her office cab.that was a lonely road .when she saw a boy forcing a girl she stopped the cab and thought to help her .though she was nervous but she wanna help her .so with the help of driver dada .she managed to go there
When she reached there the boy saw her ,but she quickly managed to get the hold of the girl and the driver beat him and left him.the girl lost her consciousness but quickly managed to see the face of swara who helped her
But when swara  saw the girl she was shocked very much
Driver:mam what should we do now?mam do know her?
Swara:I'll take her to my home don't worry.thanks dada for helping her
Both of them sat and driver left to their house
Swara and the girl entered the house and as it was nearly going to 12 .so she went to her room and made her lie on the bed and slept

Precap:swasan friendship

so who is the girl that swara helped?

is swara know her?

what is the relation between them?

relationship of our's(swaragini)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora