Chapter 8: Sketching Solutions

Start from the beginning

"Don't... you dare... call her that." Claire said, she picked up Juliette's dress shirt, pants and shoes, she walked down the stairs and grab Juliette's purse and jacket.

"Claire, I am not leaving. You don't get to kick me out of your life. Admit it, you love me." Juliette said.

Claire stayed silent and opened the door, throwing al the items that were being held, outside. "Get out."

"No, Claire, I am not leaving." Juliette said.

"Just get out! I don't want to deal with this anymore. Leave." She said.

"We can fix this baby, we can fix this."

"No, and don't you dare touch me." Claire said as she grabbed Juliette and shoved her out of the door, closing it behind her and locking Juliette outside.

"You can't do this! One day, you're going to come running back to me." Juliette yelled through the door.

Claire couldn't move, she was now leaning her back against the wall then slid down slowly to the ground. I stood at the stair case, seeing the whole interaction happen. I ran over to her, me hands found hers and gripped them tightly. I could see the tears in her eyes and took my thumbs to whip them.

"Claire, are you hurt? Are you okay?" I asked her as I looked around her and searched her for any marks of pain.

"I don't know anymore, I don't even know what to expect now I'm sorry you had to see that." Claire breathed.

"No, don't be sorry. I'm glad I came. If I didn't who knows what would have happened." I spoke.

She nodded, and we went into silence for a while. I sat next to her, leaning against the wall as well. "Can I ask you something?" She asked and I looked over at her and nodded, "Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Sure, no problem. You know I'd do anything to help you get past this." I said and a soft smile appeared on her face. I pulled her in and she started to cry, I comforted her as we just sat here, on the floor in silence.


~ Claire's POV ~

I awoke slowly the next morning, it was Sunday. I felt an embrace around my body and slowly looked up, and there was Amelia, her arms were around me. Last night, we spent the rest of the evening at the house, on the couch watching TV and ordering take out food. I ended up tell her the complete story of what had happened. And that night, she said she was going to take the couch, but I had told her I didn't want to be alone in the room. Now here I am, snuggled into her side, I was looking up at her and seeing her relaxed face and felt an emotion in me stirring my body. I smiled at her sleeping form and gently slipped myself out of her embrace, trying not to wake her. I sat on the bed and the smile was still on my face, I leaned down, taking my hand and brushing a small strand of hair out of her forehead, I hesitated for a second before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"God, do you have any idea how absolutely perfect you are?" I whispered, quietly to myself.

I slowly stood up and got off the bed. Gently opening the door and sneaking out. Walking down the stairs, I noticed the clock that hung on the kitchen wall. It read 9:30am. I saw Tracy in the kitchen brewing coffee.

"Morning." I said as I walked down the stairs quietly.

"Morning." Tracy smiled and handed me a cup of hot brewed coffee with creamer.

"Thank you." I said, taking the hot cup in my hand, taking a sip, then leaned against the kitchen counter.

"So... How'd things go with Juliette yesterday? Did you two make up?" She smiled at me.

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