Chapter Six - Unexpected Visitors.

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                There was an awkward silence ‘till Nathan and Zachary laughed. They started singing.


                “SO. Why ARE you here? Sorry if I sound rude, I don’t really like too many people around. Does that make me sound arrogant? It does doesn’t it? I’m sorry.”

                “No, no it’s perfectly fine. We should be sorry for intruding. We came here because we were free and we partially wanted to know about your religion.” Zachary replied.

                “Okay then. Do you guys want notebooks? I have some spares.” Sufiyyah asked.

                “Yes, that would be great, thank you.” Aaron said politely. He knew his manners. Sufiyyah went into her room to grab the things they needed.

                “WOW. She is really pretty. When I saw her during the fan meeting I didn’t really pay attention to her. I don’t think I have EVER seen a woman in a scarf that’s THIS pretty.”  Zachary whispered loud enough for the five to hear.

                “That’s why Faaris didn’t want us to come here. Keeping the girl all to himself.” Michael said, looking at Faaris.

                “ Shut up lads. She’s coming.” Faaris silenced them.

                “Okay. Now ,Faaris, please explain to them about Haram Halal and Makroh. In general.” Sufiyyah said gently, after composing herself and sorting things out.

                “I did. Do I still need to?” Faaris asked.

                “Yes, Is that okay with you? It’s actually sort of like a re-cap.” Sufiyyah insisted.

                “Okay.” Faaris started to explain about the things he needed to and Sufiyyah was quite happy that he got the details right. She then started to explain about Rukn. She took her tiny portable whiteboard and wrote down Rukn Islam and Rukn Iman.

                “ There are two types of Rukn, Rukn Islam and Rukn Iman. Rukn means Pillars. The pillars of Islam are 5, Shahadah, Solah, Sawm, Zakah and Hajj. Shahadah is the statement of belief. It’s the one I asked you to say yesterday, Faaris. You guys should write that down.”

                “Aaah.. can you repeat that?” Micheal asked.

                “Which part?”

                “The five pillars of Islam thing.”

                “I’ll write them down for you.” Sufiyyah started writing down the things she said.

                “Now, Solah is prayers, Zakah is donating, Hajj is something done only in Mecca.  Hajj is compulsory to those who have money. The rest is compulsory to all Muslims. Questions?”

                “Umm yeah. So like, what if a person is paralysed? No legs or something. How do they pray? I’ve seen how Muslims pray through a Documentary and you need practically your whole body. And also, if someone is poor or if he’s starving? “ Aaron asked, for some reason totally into it.

“Yes, you see, Aaron , Islam is very fair. If you are paralysed, you still pray. If you can sit, pray while sitting. If you can’t, lie down. If you can’t do any movements at all, you pray with your eyes or just have the intention to pray and read the Du’as in your heart. The conditions in which a person is not obliged to pray is when that person is crazy or has not reached puberty yet. By the age of ten the kids have to pray in order to get used to it. And if they don’t pray, the parents must cane the kid. Yup.” She paused to catch her breath. How she said all those in one shot was unknown.

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