"r-richie s-stop!" he chortled. but eddie stumbled onto his bed, and richie was on top of him, looking down at the adorable little boy, and smiling at how cute he was. eddie smiled back, just absolutely smitten, infatuated with the taller boy above him. they were just staring at each other with loving eyes.

"i love you so much, you son of a bitch." said richie.

and then, the bitch that gave birth to richie's little love came bursting through the door.


"oh god..." eddie pushed the boy off of him, causing richie to stumble back. mrs. k was in utter shock, disbelief and anger.

"oh, good morning mrs. k, how in the world are you? long time no see!" said richie, without a hint of fear in his eyes. he got down to his knees and reached for mrs. k's hand so he could kiss it, but she pulled away quickly and looked at him in disgust and infuriation.


"oh, no reason, i just kinda sneaked in, why do you ask?" the trashmouth clasped his hands. eddie cringed.


"i'm sorry mrs. k but i can't leave unless eddie comes with me."

eddie gasped under his breath.

"r-richie, no, don't..." he mouthed, but richie winked and gave him a look of approval.

"YOUUU BASTARD!" she held up her arm as if to hit him, but richie grasped her arm tightly, trying not to hurt her.

she looked at him in shock.

"sorry mrs. k, don't wanna hurtcha, after all, you are a very nice lady, and the mother of the love of my life over there. hiya eddie spaghetti." richie waves at eddie with his free hand, allowing mrs. k to turn around to face her son, eddie, who waved back at richie.

"EDWARD, WHY IS THIS OBNOXIOUS BOY IN YOUR ROOOOOOM?!" she let go of richie and stomped over to eddie.

"uh, he just came from the hospital and he needed a place to stay." he wasn't wrong.


"that's weird, she wasn't on her period when i fucked her last night." said richie.

"richie, shut up okay, this isn't the time," eddie was tearing up.

"eds, don't cry okay, i'm here for you." richie kissed the boy's forehead gently, making them both blush. richie gave eddie a warm hug, and let the boy cry.

"eddie, your mom is not gonna keep me away from you. i won't let that happen. nothing will ever keep me away from you. nothing's gonna hurt you, baby, as long as i'm around." richie kissed him on the cheek, dangerously close to his mouth.

"i love you so much, richie."

"i love you, too, eddie."


"where the fuck is eddie? it's been twenty minutes and he hasn't shown." ben complained.

"he's probably having mommy issues. don't worry, he'll be here soon." bev stated.

bill was most concerned for his best friend. he knew that eddies mom was abusive.

"i think i might g—"

eddie finally showed, and was holding hands with a certain trashmouth that all the losers missed so much.

"EDDIE! RICHIE!!!!!" they all squealed, tackle-hugging the two boys lovingly.

"RICHIE! YOU'RE ALIVE!!" mike said, happily.

"w-we m-missed y-you so much r-richie." bill stated, giving richie a bro hug.

"i missed all you fuckers, too!" richie yelled, still holding hands with eddie.

"did your hands get glued together or some shit?" said stan laughing slightly.

richie and eddie both let go of each other, forgetting that they were holding hands.

"uh, n-no, i just liked the way his f-fucking hand felt... that's all..." richie blushed uncontrollably.

"dude, that sounded mega-gaymo." stan nudged richie.

eddie smirked. he knew that only he could make the trashmouth keep quiet, and feel all tingly inside, so he used it to his advantage. he kissed richie on both cheeks in front of all their friends.

"awwwww," bev scrunched her nose and tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear, "you guys are so fucking cute. i ship it."

"i second that." ben agreed.

"i th-third that." bill said.

"i fourth that." said mike.

"i fif—"

"guys why don't you shut your fucking shit mouths up you shitwads of turd shit." richie flipped off the whole group, still blushing from when eddie kissed him on the cheeks a few minutes ago.

"whatever, richie, we're so glad you're safe." bev stated. the red head went close to eddie  and whispered, "if you ever need boyfriend advice i'm here."


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