Chapter 17

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Over the rainbow
Mooses POV
I woke up beside him I think he must of fell asleep on me he obviously was awake most of the night seen as he doesn't sleep in much and it's 10 am at the moment I slowly rised up trying not to wake Nathan and as I rose up I thing I must of caught my bruise beacuse I felt the enourmouse pain go straight through me I wanted to make him some bekfast but I couldn't see anything in the Cubard and I didn't want to go out cuz he probs will think I'm cheating on him or somthing and I did love him so much I couldn't ever think what my life would be like without him he made me happy he understands me the others don't we seem to have a connection I love him
Nathan's POV
I heard george talking to himself it made me smile and chuckle to myslef beacuse his words were so sweet so as he went to the bathroom I snuck up on him and ran up behind him and caught him in a cuddle he nearly choked on his toothpaste hehhe he loved it tho and he turned around and kissed me with his Colgate fresh mouth heheh i liked it I just wanted to hug him all day he was very hugable we decided to go out and get some breakfast beacuse we didn't have anything and we wanted to pop to the shops george tried to cover his face which was kinda cute beacuse he was very secretive then I got a ding on my phone it was george saying I love you even though he was right next to me I laughed and kissed him as it was very cute o was he
Mooses POV
We got home and I wanted to sleeep cuz I was like tired and so did Nathan so we went to bed yes it was like 1 pm but ya know livin that life ... we decided to record a video about us and where we have been and tell the fans everything and basically it was our coming out ..

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