Whats wrong?

335 9 214

Collins P.O.V
    I'm warm. So warm and comfortable. "More than usual also. This is nice." Suddenly a object, that isn't as heavy as  it is unexpected, lands on my side and starts moving. Instantly I know it's my brother. I groan to let him know how unhappy I am to be woken up like this.

    "Oh calm down Collins." Comes his reply as he continues to move around on top of me. I know he won't do what I want for a while so I let it slide and try to ignore him and get back to sleep. It works, until his elbow holds most of his weight on my ribs.

    "Ow! Stop Devan! Get off and leave me alone." He stops squirming but doesn't get off. "Sorry but I've got to do this right now." I groan again "What could possibly be so important this early?!? Get off please!" This time I shove Devan off my ribs down to the bed behind me.

    "Collins this is my bed! You can't shove me around on my own bed. I didn't have to let you sleep here you know." I sigh, he's right. "You're right I'm sorry. Thank you for letting me sleep here." Devan seems much more pleased my words this time. I can here it in his voice as he says "You're welcome."

    "Please don't crawl all over me ok? What do you need?" I can't see him but I bet he's shaking his head as he says "Don't worry about it. It's nothing I don't know why I was freaking out about it." I roll over and squint at him. "For real?" He nods so I roll back over a close my eyes.

I hear Devan thump back down onto the bed with a sigh. I ignore his passive aggression knowing if I do, he'll calm down. He does, and after about five minutes of squirming and sighing, it's silent on his side of the bed. Pulling Devans covers closer to me I dig my face a little deeper into the pillow and sigh contently.

Devan has a really nice bed. Probably the best one in the house and I always wake up the next morning feeling great. It's one of my favorite things when Devan and I have a 'sleepover' as we used to call them. I always push, and sometime plead, that we sleep in Devans room. I want to have a good nights sleep.

Plus, this sounds weird but it, obviously, smells a lot like Devan. It's weird but sometimes when Devan's gone for awhile I come and sleep in his bed. It's like he's suddenly next to me again.

The thing is when Devan leaves for a long time, or me, I start to miss him and when I miss him I realize how bored I am, realizing how bored I am just makes me miss him more and I end up laying on my bed at night, staring at the ceiling and missing my little brother.

So, I come in here. I crawl into his bed and his smell just overtakes everything. It's not over-powering in a bad way, just comforting. Really comforting and I just end up falling asleep. Whenever I come out in the morning mom or dad, depending on who's with Devan, just smiles at me and keeps going about their business.

I know they miss him also so they don't judge me for sleeping in my brothers bed. I also know they won't tell him. They get it, and once or twice they come in Devans room with me and just talk to me. Just to calm themselves down by being in his room.

"I wonder if they do the same thing when I'm gone for a long time." I let these thoughts stay with me as my eyes drift closer and closer together.

Time skip

There's more weight on my back and it starts squirming again. I groan louder "Devan! I thought you said you're good!" I hear my brother sigh on top of me. "I know but I'm so bored and I want my sketch book."

Mumbling something that he won't be able to make out I reach over and feel for a notebook. "Nope that's not the one. To the left." I sighing I move my hands over to the left like he said and put my hand on what feels like the same thing.

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