Chapter 6

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I gulped and stared at him with doe eyes. He rolled his and gave me a shove.

“Fine,” I huffed and walked into the chamber. I heard a loud groaning making me spun on my heels. I watched as the huge stone doors snapped shut faster than lightning making my hair blow. I blinked. I took a deep breath and turned around again. It was pitch black. I clenched my hands into my fists and took a step forward.

Suddenly from all around me light appeared. I watched as metal bowls hanging from the wall quickly caught fire, filling the room with a bright glow. I sighed in relief then inhaled sharply. Going around the entire room where enormous statues. Each one seemed to represent a God or Goddess. On the main wall of the room across from the doors where the biggest alters. There were 3. On the far left was the altar of Poseidon. The statue was of a gorgeous rearing horse that’s bottom half of its body was a long fish-like tail. Behind it was roaring waves. In the middle was Hades’. His had a large ferocious dog. With three heads. I shuddered. Each head had its mouth hanging open bearing wickedly sharp teeth and terrifying and vengeful looking eyes. Behind the dog were swirls of fog with hands and arms reaching out of it. I shuddered again. Between the two was the representation of Zeus. His was obviously the largest of the three. His was of a large jagged rock. Atop the rock was a enormous and mighty lion. The lion was stopped mid-roar, its sharp teeth showing behind drawn lips. Its elegant mane swirled around its head while an angry storm raged behind him. Strikes of lighting appeared to strike the rock around the lion. It was a breathtaking sight.

This wasn’t what interested me though, beauty aside. I glanced around the room, looking for the statue of Athena. Despite not knowing very much about Greek Mythology besides what I read in Percy Jackson, nothing looked like something that would represent Athena. I took a step back and took deep breath, letting it out slowly. It looks like I really wasn’t a half goddess. This was all a big mistake.

So much for finding a place I might actually fit in, I thought to myself. I closed my eyes for a moment and took another breath. I opened my eyes again. I found something strange before me. About two feet in front of me was a small wooden post with a gold plaque on it, like you would find in front of an exhibit in a museum. I walked forward, looking down at it. It seemed to be inscribed with Greek letterings. I narrowed my eyes. Suddenly the Greek letters shifted before my eyes. Once they settled back in they became readable. They had changed to English! I read it.

Only are thy sacred words to be read by a true descendent. Behold is the Daughter of Athena. Bless be thee who carries thy duties of the Goddess on her capable shoulders. Carry knowledge with pride, for thou carries more than all else. Give wisdom, for thou is wise. Share beauty, for thou bares more beauty than a flourishing rose. Share all gifts of thy Goddess. Thou are the Daughter of Athena.

I gasped. What?!

A loud, luring voice boomed through the room.


I looked up, swallowing against the lump in my throat. Before me stood the most gorgeous statue I had ever seen. It was an intricately carved statue of what could only be Athena herself. I stared at the beautiful and captivating stone woman.

“Mother,” I choked. The stone eyes were lifeless and alive all at once, as they seemed to stare down at me. I fell to my knee, bowing my head. Despite the invisibility of her presence, it was still strong. I felt her regality and commanding power surround me. A small laugh then her voice enveloped me again.

“Stand Addelessa. You are not a subject of mine. You are my daughter, a half-goddess, filled with power and knowledge beyond mundane belief. You are not to bow before me, but stand tall and regal as a true God should,” she told me. Her voice was soft, gentle, and comforting as well as strong, commanding, and terrifying all at once. She was entity that could instill fear in even the fiercest of enemies.

“Yes, Mother,” I murmured. A small laugh again.

“I know you must be filled with confusion and uncertainty. You may ask any questions you like,” she said softly. I nodded, despite no one truly being in the room with me- not physically at least.

“I- . . .” My mind was blank for a moment, then only one question arose. “Do- . . . do you know about Papai?” I asked quietly. A deep breath.


I swallowed. “I know you have been living with your aunt and uncle since his death. I truly regret being unable to take his place. As well as not being able to attend to him in his time of need.” Her voice was morose. The anger bubbled up inside me.

“Then why didn’t you?!” I yelled. Silence.

“I understand your anger Addelessa-“

“It’s Addie. I don’t go by my full name.”

“Of course. Addie. I understand your pain and anger. I truly did love your father. I still do. But I am a Goddess- I could not stay any longer than I did. I am an unfit being to dwell on Earth. I have duties. We cannot stay long on Earth. I could not raise a child. I cannot be a true mother.” She didn’t have to say anymore. I understood. She was a Goddess. She couldn’t just come running home to an unknown child she most likely wouldn’t be able to or even know how to raise. I nodded.

“I have more questions,” I informed her.

“Ask them, please.”

“Do I have an superhuman powers?”

“Yes, a few, you will learn to manipulate and control them at the Insitute.”

I nodded.

“Is this really happening?”

Her laughter echoed through the room.

“Yes, child, this is very much real.”

“Do- do you think I will be treated differently here?” I whispered.

“Yes. Yes, I think you will,” she said softly.

I could hear the smile behind her voice despite not being able to see it. I took a deep breath.

“I have a lot more you know!” I warned her. She laughed again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2012 ⏰

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