VI : Forgiveness

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A/N: Get ready for some Dadvid--


It was morning, and Max woke up finding Nikki missing from her bed.

Not much of a surprise to him, ever since two days ago.

Regret was the only thing he was feeling.

Anger, sadness...
These emotions overfilled his brain.

David was worried about Max, eagerly wanting to fix this and get the two kids back together.
Just to see Max smile again.


      "Good morning, Max," David said, coming into the tent. He found Max laying on his bed, facing the wall of the tent. Max said nothing in response, only huddling into the corner. David frowned, but tried to keep his smile. Walking over to Max, he sat down on his bed.
      "So! Yesterday was... something!" Still nothing. "Er... Harrison's better...!" Nope. He heard Max sniffle. David looked over Max's shoulder. "M-Max... are you crying?" Max jumped up. "Go away!" He let out, quickly wiping his eye. "Max..." "I don't want to see you! Leave me alone, David!"
       David didn't leave. He only hugged Max tightly. Max was about to shove David off, but he didn't want to. He needed comfort. Max hesitated, but returned David's hug, crying silently.
        David let go of the hug, facing Max. "I want to help you, Max. You're broken. We need to fix you." Max didn't say anything, only nodding. "Let's go find Nikki." Once David said the girl's name, Max lifted his eyes at his. He hugged him again. "Thanks, David..." "Of course, Max."

        "Okay, Max. Here's what we're going to do. You walk up to Nikki and apologize. Simple!" David smiled. Max rubbed his arm nervously. "Are you sure this'll work? Will she actually forgive me?" "Well... we'll wait and see." David smiled anxiously. Max turned around, seeing the beautiful green haired girl chatting with Nerris.
        He walked up to Nikki, tapping her shoulder. She turned her head around, slightly shocked to see Max, causing her face to turn a light red. Nerris mumbled something to Nikki before walking off.
        "Nikki... I wanted to say that... I-I'm sorry. For everything. I was being a dick to Harrison, even to the point of beating his ass." Nikki didn't say anything, only looking shyly up at him. "I... I'd understand if you don't forgive me... I was an idiot..." She still didn't speak. This made Max slightly scared.
        "I... I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'll leave you be." He turned around to leave. Nikki grabbed his shoulder, spinning him back around. She grabbed his hand, kissing him. Once she pulled back, Max was overjoyed on the inside, but on the outside he looked rather surprised.
        "Look, Max... I'm sorry if I freaked you out back there. I- I didn't mean to! I got scared for a bit after seeing what you did to Harrison..." she fiddled with her hand nervously. Max looked down at her, smiling softly. "Hey, it's okay. I kinda lost control of myself... I just wanted to protect you from that asshole of a magician."
Nikki looked up at Max. "You know, I can take care of myself. I would've punched Harrison for you." Max raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were 'freaked out' about all this?" "Well, yeah. You being extremely violent. But I'm a girl. I have my ways." She flipped one of her pigtails at Max's face.
        They both laughed at their sudden playfulness towards one another. "You've avoided me for days and I felt like such a fucking dumbass. I'm glad you're talking to me again." Nikki all of a sudden stopped talking, turning away. "Nik? You there?" Nikki started walking away, leaving Max confused and worried.
        She swiftly turned her body back to him, a giant grin on her face as she punched his arm. "Did you think I was serious? I would never leave you," she leaned up and gave him a small peck on the lips. Max rolled his eyes once she pulled back. "I knew that."
         Nikki chuckled. "Yeah, sure. See you later, Maxie!~" She walked off after blowing him a kiss. David walked up to Max, smiling. Max looked over at David, "Well... that went better than expected." David's grin grew, hugging Max. "Oh, Max! I'm so proud of you!" Max grunted, pushing David back. "David, what the fuck?" He snapped annoyingly.
        David only smiled at the young boy, his eyes gleaming. "I'm just glad you found something in the camp that you like. You normally hate this place. Well, you still do. But once you and Nikki were close, you seemed happier lately." Max looked down, shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket embarrassingly. He kept his glare steady as he stared at the dirt covered ground.
        "Thank you... again." Max let out, still facing the floor. David looked back down at Max, smiling softly. "No problem, Max."

And thus, with the help of David's guidance, Nikki and Max were back together.

(Have some small Makki fluff to end the chapter with)

        Max and Nikki ran around a clear opening, surrounded by fresh grass. They were giggling, even Max to a surprise. They were playing one of Nikki's favorite games, Tag.
        "Ha! Got you, Max!" Nikki chanted once she tapped Max on the back. "Aw shit!" He cursed playfully. He chased after her, and not to his surprise, she was faster than him. She slowed down a bit so it'd be easier for him to catch up.
        Max took this advantage, pouncing onto her once he got close enough. They sent them flying for a half second, falling on the floor together. Max sat on top of Nikki, chuckling. "I caught you." He crawled up to face her, his eyes half closed as he smiled.
        He leaned down, kissing her in a passionate mood. She didn't mind, almost immediately kissing back. Once they pulled back, Max lay on the grass next to her. He smiled, taking her hand in his.
        They looked up at the sky for a few minutes before Nikki suggested walking back to their tent.

        Back at the camp, Nikki and Max cuddled together to sleep. Max's arm wrapped around her torso while Nikki huddled close to him. Max thought of one simple sentence to himself before he fell asleep:

Thank you, David.

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