Picture Perfect Plan

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to get your best friend back. If it's the last thing I do, I promise you I will..." Steve got up from his seat as I jumped up right after him, his arms instantly wrapping around me as my tears escaped.

"If there's anyone that's a good soldier, it's you. I haven't seen anyone this determined in a long time. It's refreshing..." I smiled, softly patting his back as we both pulled apart, seeing Steve grinning at me a little once he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Oh. Who's your grandpa by the way?" I smiled just thinking about him, that homey feeling rushing right back to me.

"Stan Hemmings." Steve suddenly got a huge smile on his lips, surprise evident in his eyes as he looked down at me, making me smile.

"Oh! Stan. Wow, I definitely remember him. Good guy." I grinned, shaking my head in agreement.

"Yeah, he's the best. And he also talks highly of you Cap." He grinned a little as he looked at me, making me smile. Believe me, even before I met Cap it was like I already knew him.

"How's he doing?" I smirked, laughing as I thought of the troublemaker he loves to be. That's where I can gladly say I get my badness and goodness from. That man right there.

"He's wonderful. Still causes trouble. But what's new?" He laughed, shaking his head as he folded his arms, seeming to be lost in his own world.

"I'll have to stop by and see him soon. It would be nice." I smiled, shaking my head in agreement. Oh my goodness, grandpa would flip when he saw Steve walk through the door.

"He'd love that." And we continued to talk for a while as Steve recalled his early days in Brooklyn. I told him of my own adventures, when a idea suddenly came to mind, making me grin, the worlds biggest grin. And I don't care if I look crazy. I got it!

"Steve! I got it!" He looked at me, really confused by my sudden change of subject, making me chuckle slightly.

"Got what?" I grinned, a huge grin, clapping my hands together as he stared at me, starting to grin a little from the mere excitement I was exhibiting.

"A plan silly! To get Bucky." And the plan is simple.  We go to Hydra's base. Steve and I will sneak in through the back, taking down the guards on stand by. While we do that, Sam and Natasha would distract the guards at the front entrance. Steve and I would find Bucky, sneak him off the base, and take him back to my apartment where he will be safe. And go from there.  And Steve shook his head as he considered the plan, conflicted on what to do.

"You do realize that it won't be that simple. It's Hydra Allie." I sighed, knowing very well it's risky. But that doesn't matter. If it could work, I want to find out. No matter what.

"I know. But it's worth the risk Steve! We have a chance to help Bucky get away from that. We should at least try..." Steve stood there for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face, before he agreed with a look of determination crossing his face, making me grin. There's Cap!

"Let's get to work soldier." I grinned, a huge grin, saluting him.

"Whatever you say Cap!"
Steve and I ran the plan over with Sam, Natasha and Nick, determined to get the go ahead. Nick saw the determined looks we had, grinning, agreeing to the plan.

We all suited up, grabbing our gear, then made our way to Hydra. Hold on Bucky.. We're coming to save you. I promise....
Natasha and Sam thought smartly, disguising themselves with hoodies and ball caps. We don't want to take any chances.

A few minutes later, we pulled up to the base, parking the car further down the road as Steve looked at all of us, a very serious look on his face as I got pumped for what's to come. We can do this! Team Bucky has finally made it....

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