The Story of Beginning

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In the beginning, immoral Notch created Minecraftia, along with his semi-mortal brother, Harold.

But all was dark, so Notch created a sun. The sun was small, and wound around the Earth. It barely warmed the surface at all. So he made it bigger. But then, it was too hot. Notch didn't know how to fix his dilemma, but Harold did. He pushed the world away from sun, and Notch saw it was perfect. But in Harold's eyes, half of the world would be in darkness. So he created a moon to revolve around the Earth. The moon stole light from the sun and gave it to the dark. Notch saw what Harold had done and was grateful.

Now, Harold tried to create people, but he created mobs.

Notch was amused by Harold's attempt, yet Harold seemed proud of his work, so Notch let the mobs roam freely.

Notch created people, and gave them everything they needed to survive. He called them players, and he let them name their selves

Notch was upset by the mobs, because they hurt the people. So Notch asked Harold to remove them. Harold did, and all was peaceful. All the players did was build. Eventually, all of Minecraftia was covered in creations built by the players.

Harold and Notch realized this was a problem. Harold let the mobs roam freely again, and they removed people that were overpopulating the world. Souls began to end up in the aether, so Notch asked Harold to make another place, where the bad souls can go. Harold created the Nether, what humans now call "Hell".

But, most of the creations remained.

Notch realized this was an issue.

Now, Harold had gone down to the human world and had himself a small family. Notch knew this, but no one else could do what Harold could do. Notch sent a flood to sweep the land of Minecraftia, but it did not kill anyone. It swept Harold out to sea, where Notch, seeing no other option, placed a curse on Harold. The sea drowned his soul, leaving

a fraction of his spirit in Harold's eyes. Harold was no more. He was filled with the freezing brine of insane hate to his brother.

In this, He became Harold O'Brine, or as we call him today, Herobrine. Herobrine became the destroyer. He destroyed creations of players, and players themselves. Notch saw that Brine would destroy the world, so he was banished to Hell. He reined in Hell, and Notch reined in Heaven. Notch became the god of all things good, and creation.

Herobrine became the god of all things evil, and destruction.

It has remained this way to this day.

And what of Harold's family?

No one knows, but some believe that the bloodline still continues to this day.

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