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Before this starts, I just wanna say, No this is not mystic messenger, Just characters that look the same! Jesus! They won't have the same name, My friends keep yelling at me for it.


Female twin:

Name:Sako heart

Age: 16

Looks:Red hair, Orange eyes, Wears glasses and Has long hair but ties it up making it look short so her and her brother look Identical.

Likes:Pocky,Video games,Shiro,Sora and Games in general and Twin.

Dislikes:Jerks, Womanizers, Friends in danger and Brother in danger.

Male twin:

Name:Sayo heart


Looks:Red hair, Orange eyes, Wears glasses and has short hair.

Likes:Pocky,Video games,Shiro,Sora and Games in general and Twin.

Dislikes:Jerks, Friends in danger and Sister in danger.


(Imagine the one with blue eyes to look Identical to the other one)

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(Imagine the one with blue eyes to look Identical to the other one)


My days with Shiro and Sora (No Game No Life love story)Where stories live. Discover now