Singing In The Rain

Start from the beginning

     "Calm down Tony!" I complained, stepping out of Steve's arms. "How can I, I just watched you make out with a grandpa!" His brown eyes shot open wide. 

     "Okay!" Steve yelled, starting to back out of the room. "Tony!" I scolded, he looked up at me with wide eyes. "Well that's how old he is!!"

     "I think I should let you guys do your work." I let my shoulders drop. "Steve." He smiled and pecked my cheek. "I'll see you in a bit. Have fun!" I watched him disappear from the room.

     I glared at my brother who was still trying to erase the image from his brain. "Are you happy now?" I placed a hand on my hip. He shook his head. "Nope, still see you and spangles swapping saliva repeatedly!" 

     I scoffed and began to walk past him. "You're something else Tony." I tried to hide the embarrassment in my voice but failed. I grabbed a few books from the counter before going to return to my station. 

     Tony was spinning on the chair with his hands between his legs. His brown eyes were closed and he was swishing his extended tongue back and forth. "Lul, lul, lul, lul, lul."

     "Tony!" I yelled, placing the books at my table. He continued to do it more loud now with sound effects.

     I leaned on the table and covered my face with my hand I worked. It grew quiet.

Too quiet.........

     I turned my face to see Tony sitting right beside me making kissy faces. "AH!" I screeched, kicking his chair across the room.

     He laughed as he hit the desk and began to slowly spin back to me. I was about to smack him before another knock was heard. 

     "Yes?" I called, popping up to face whoever was at the door. A gruff looking man stood there with a metal arm. He was wearing casual clothes and looked like any normal person.

What was I expecting a psycho assassin?

     "Hey do you know where Steve went? That punk ran away again and he owes me 20 bucks." Tony snorted. "20 bucks."

     I looked back to Bucky and shook my head at my brother. "He went that way I can help you find him if you want." I offered eagerly, hoping I could get away from Tony.

     Bucky shook his head and began to walk out the door. "Wait! Could you help me with something?" I called after him.

     He stopped and shrugged. I smirked, rushing over to him. "I was actually wondering if you could help me with something. To do with Steve." He furrowed his dark eyebrows. Only now did I noticed how much darker he was then Steve, and shorter.

     "What exactly did you have in mind?"

*******A few Moments later*********

     "You don't think this is a little extreme?" Bucky asked, nervously handing me the 2 liter. "I mean I'm all for a little fun but he might freak."

      I smirked, attacking it to the gun I had composed. "No it'll be fun. Plus you said you needed your 20 Bucks so what better way to get it then this?"

     He laughed and shook his head. "Whatever you say." I smiled and held out my hand. "Duck tape." The large roll was placed in the palm of my hand.

    I un-raveled it and looked at the man beside me. "I can see why Steve likes you. It's nice having a side kick around."

     Bucky glared at me. "Is that what he told you I was? His side kick." I laughed and didn't answer.

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