Part Eight: Breaking the news

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I went out to check the mail. I grabbed the key and opened the mailbox. I took out the mail and closed the door, and walked back towards the house. I flipped through the mail and found a white invitation in the mix. I examined it. My name and address was inscribed in beautiful silver cursive calligraphy. I flipped it over and opened it and I pulled out an invitation. I read it aloud, “Marion Moesby and Emma Tutweiller invite you to join them as they become Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, June 14th, 2013 at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Monte Lucia Resort, reception to follow."

I smiled to myself. “They’re getting married!”


I drove to the post office, and pulled out my mail out of my P.O. Box, and on top there was a white envelope. My name and address was inscribed in beautiful silver cursive calligraphy. I flipped it over and opened it and I pulled out an invitation. I read it aloud, "Marion Moesby and Emma Tutweiller invite you to join them as they become Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, June 14th, 2013 at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Monte Lucia Resort, reception to follow."

I squealed. "I’m so excited! What am I going to buy them?!


“You got the gift?” I asked Zack. He held it up.


“You ready?”

“Uh huh.”

I knocked on the door of Mom’s suite.

“I’m coming! Hold on!” She opened the door and gasped.

"Surprise!” we said in unison.

"My boys!!!” She said excitedly as she pulled us in for a hug. “What are you doing here?!”

“Well, we brought you something.” Zack said as he held out the present.

“Awww, boys, thank you! But, what’s the occasion? It’s not my birthday, or mother’s day..” We stepped inside and sat down on the couch.

“Mom, we have to talk to you about something."

“It sounds serious. I might need to sit down.”

“Mom… I don’t exactly know how to tell you this, but I signed up for the military.. And I’m shipping out Monday…” Zack said, looking at Mom. I looked at her. She sat there, motionless. Her eyes open a little wider than usual, and her mouth open a little.

“You’re--” She cleared her throat. “You’re… What?” She said quietly and slowly.

“I am going to Afghanistan... and not for the scenery. I ship out Monday.” Mom stood up and started to pace. Her speech was sort of garbled.

“Well, I uh... um... I’m unsure about what to say, Zack. I’m proud of you, but...” She sat down and put her head in her hands. Zack moved next to her.

“But, what? Mom?” She picked up her head, and looked at Zack with teary eyes.

“Just, stay safe. Okay?” She said quietly, her voice breaking. He pulled her in for a hug.

“I will. I will.” He repeated as he hugged her tighter.

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